Sabtu, 01 Maret 2014

Re: [MS_AccessPros] RE: Query not updateable


Thanks John,

I missed that and I don't know why it is there or how it got there.

And thanks for the upgrade on the WHERE statement. That will be added to my 'crib' list.



At 1/03/2014 07:56 PM, you wrote:


It's the DISTINCT keyword that's keeping your query from being updatable.

And to avoid confusion with the dates (yours works because there is not month = 29), you should do:

WHERE (((tRotaryYear.YearStart)> DateSerial(Year(DateAdd("m",-6,Date())), 6, 29) And (tRotaryYear.YearStart)< DateSerial(Year(DateAdd("m",+6,Date())), 6, 29)))

John Viescas, Author
Microsoft Access 2010 Inside Out
Microsoft Access 2007 Inside Out
Microsoft Access 2003 Inside Out
Building Microsoft Access Applications
SQL Queries for Mere Mortals
(Paris, France)

On Mar 1, 2014, at 1:29 AM, Robin Chapple < > wrote:

Thanks Bill,

Your plan did not work but this did:

SELECT tClubPostHolders.MemberID, tClubPostHolders.ClubPostID, tClubPostHolders.YearID, tClubPostHolders.ClubID, tClubPostHolders.LastUpdated, tClubPostHolders.tblClubPostHoldersID
FROM tRotaryYear RIGHT JOIN tClubPostHolders ON tRotaryYear.YearID = tClubPostHolders.YearID
WHERE (((tRotaryYear.YearStart)>"29/06/" & Year(DateAdd("m",-6,Date())) And (tRotaryYear.YearStart)<"29/06/" & Year(DateAdd("m",+6,Date()))))
ORDER BY tClubPostHolders.ClubPostID;

Just luck on my part. I'd like to know why'



At 1/03/2014 09:58 AM, you wrote:

I'm not sure but it might be because of the tRotaryYear.YearStart in the SELECT clause. Try taking it out to see if that makes the query updateable.


---In, < > wrote:

I am using Access 2013 on a Win7 system. Our database is on a remote server.

In the past group members have helped my with my club membership
database. We have a fiscal year which starts on 1st July.

The result has been two queries to show "Post Holders" next fiscal
year and this fiscal year.

This to give "Next Fiscal Year"

SELECT tClubPostHolders.MemberID, tClubPostHolders.ClubPostID,
tClubPostHolders.YearID, tClubPostHolders.ClubID,
tClubPostHolders.LastUpdated, tClubPostHolders.tblClubPostHoldersID
FROM tRotaryYear RIGHT JOIN tClubPostHolders ON tRotaryYear.YearID =
WHERE (((tRotaryYear.YearStart)>"29/06/" & Year(DateAdd("m",+6,Date()))))
ORDER BY tClubPostHolders.ClubPostID;

This to give "This Fiscal Year"

SELECT DISTINCT tClubPostHolders.ClubPostID,
tClubPostHolders.MemberID, tClubPostHolders.YearID,
tClubPostHolders.ClubID, tRotaryYear.YearStart,
FROM tRotaryYear RIGHT JOIN tClubPostHolders ON tRotaryYear.YearID =

These worked as planned. We have now progressed to giving club
secretaries access to add and edit records. I find that the "Next
Year" query can take adds and edits but the "This Year" is not updateable.

Can I fix that?

Many thanks,

Robin Chapple

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