I can't see ever using the looping code to display multiple records in a form or report. I often use looping code to display records in a web page where the loop create <tr></tr> for each record.
Duane Hookom MVP
MS Access
> To: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com
> From: saigonf7q5@yahoo.com
> Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2013 00:51:20 +0000
> Subject: Re: [MS_AccessPros] How am I to tell the report to use the form�s record source?
> Thank you very much Bill.Now it loads and filters the records correctly.
> Another question that I have, is, when should the Looping method (the procedure which I posted) be used.
> Thanks Bill
> Phucon
> --- In MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com, "Bill Mosca" <wrmosca@...> wrote:
>> Phucon
>> PMJI...You can't load the recordset that way. You are trying to do it one record at a time. Just assign each control's ControlSource to the appropriate field. Don't loop through the records.
>> With Me
>> .pkeyCustomerID.ControlSource = "pkeyCustomerID"
>> .strCompanyName.ControlSource = "strCompanyName"
>> .strContactName.ControlSource = "strContactName"
>> .strContactTitle.ControlSource = "strContactTitle"
>> .strCity.ControlSource = "strCity"
>> .strRegion.ControlSource = "strRegion"
>> .strPostalCode.ControlSource = "strPostalCode"
>> .strCountry.ControlSource = "strCountry"
>> End With
>> Me.RecordSource = strSQL
>> Me.Requery
>> Regards,
>> Bill Mosca, Founder - MS_Access_Professionals
>> http://www.thatlldoit.com
>> Microsoft Office Access MVP
>> https://mvp.support.microsoft.com/profile=C4D9F5E7-BB03-4291-B816-64270730881E
>> My nothing-to-do-with-Access blog
>> http://wrmosca.wordpress.com
>> --- In MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com, "saigonf7q5" <saigonf7q5@> wrote:
>>> Thanks Duane. It works perfectly.
>>> I tried another version of displaying records on the (Continuous) form. However I can't figure out why it keeps displaying the same record while it should move to the next. I suspected the MoveNext statement wasn't placed correctly. was it? Phucon.
>>> RANCH Rancho grande Sergio Guti�rrez Sales Representative Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina
>>> RANCH Rancho grande Sergio Guti�rrez Sales Representative Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina
>>> RANCH Rancho grande Sergio Guti�rrez Sales Representative Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina
>>> Private Sub cboCountry_AfterUpdate()
>>> Dim db As DAO.Database
>>> Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
>>> Dim strSQL As String
>>> strSQL = "SELECT distinct pkeyCustomerID, strCompanyName, strContactName, strContactTitle, strCity, strRegion, " & _
>>> "strPostalCode, strCountry " & _
>>> "FROM qryCustomers WHERE strCountry= " & Chr$(34) & Me.cboCountry & Chr$(34) & ""
>>> Set db = CurrentDb
>>> Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)
>>> Me.RecordSource = strSQL
>>> If Not rs.EOF Then
>>> Do
>>> With Me
>>> .pkeyCustomerID = rs!pkeyCustomerID
>>> .strCompanyName = rs!strCompanyName
>>> .strContactName = rs!strContactName
>>> .strContactTitle = rs!strContactTitle
>>> .strCity = rs!strCity
>>> .strRegion = rs!strRegion
>>> .strPostalCode = rs!strPostalCode
>>> .strCountry = rs!strCountry
>>> End With
>>> rs.MoveNext
>>> Loop Until rs.EOF
>>> End If
>>> rs.Close
>>> Set rs = Nothing
>>> Set db = Nothing
>>> End Sub
>>> --- In MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com, Duane Hookom <duanehookom@> wrote:
>>>> Try,
>>>> Private Sub cmdOpenRpt_Click()
>>>> �
>>>> � �Dim strWhere as String
>>>> � �strWhere = Me.Filter
>>>> � �DoCmd.OpenReport "RptCustomers", acViewPreview, ,strWhere , acWindowNormal
>>>> End Sub
>>>> Duane Hookom MVP
>>>> MS Access
>>>> ----------------------------------------
>>>>> From: saigonf7q5@
>>>>> Hello Duane
>>>>> Here's the 2 procedures that in the form.
>>>>> combo box rowsource:
>>>>> SELECT DISTINCT qryCustomers.strCountry FROM qryCustomers;
>>>>> criteria which user enters:
>>>>> Private Sub cboCountry_AfterUpdate()
>>>>> Me.Filter = "strCountry = " & Chr$(34) & Me.cboCountry & Chr$(34) & ""
>>>>> Me.FilterOn = True
>>>>> 'Debug.Print Me.Filter
>>>>> End Sub
>>>>> Private Sub cmdOpenRpt_Click()
>>>>> Dim strCntryName As String
>>>>> strCntryName = Me.cboCountry
>>>>> DoCmd.OpenReport "RptCustomers", acViewPreview, , , acWindowNormal, strCntryName
>>>>> End Sub
>>>>> --- In MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com, Duane Hookom <duanehookom@> wrote:
>>>>>> Phucon,
>>>>>> Tell us how you are using the combo box to filter the form records. I expect you could use a similar expression as a WHERE CONDITION in the DoCmd.OpenReport method.
>>>>>> Duane Hookom MVP
>>>>>> MS Access
>>>>>> ----------------------------------------
>>>>>>> From: saigonf7q5@
>>>>>>> My form has a combo box for filtering records, and a Cmdbutton to open a report.
>>>>>>> I have been trying to pass the form's OpenArgs to the Report_Open procedue, so the report's Recordsource can base on the criteria that the user selected from the form. How am I to tell the report to use the form's record source?
>>>>>>> Below's what I have been trying to do.
>>>>>>> Private Sub cmdOpenRpt_Click()
>>>>>>> Dim strCntryName As String
>>>>>>> strCntryName = Me.cboCountry
>>>>>>> DoCmd.OpenReport "RptCustomers", acViewPreview, , , acWindowNormal, strCntryName
>>>>>>> End Sub
>>>>>>> Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
>>>>>>> Me.OpenArgs
>>>>>>> End Sub
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Phucon
>>>>> ------------------------------------
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