Rather than use a command button to clear the combo box, I use a UNION query to provide a "null" row. Because of a bug (feature) in Access, I first build a ztblNulls table that has one column of each data type that I might want to null out in a combo box. (Typically, Long and Text is enough.) I save one row with a Null value in all columns. Then I set the Row Source like this:
SELECT ztblNulls.NullLong, "<< All values >>" As CustomerName
FROM ztblNulls
SELECT CustomerID, CustomerName
FROM Customers
ORDER BY CustomerName;
The "<" sorts before any other characters, so the "null" row always appears at the top. User simply chooses that row to clear the value in the combo box.
Reason for the table workaround:
If you were to do:
SELECT Null As CustomerID, "<< All Values >>" As CustomerName
FROM AnyTable
SELECT CustomerID, CustomerName
FROM Customers
ORDER BY CustomerName
.. you get weird unprintable and unusable values in the first column because the Null in the first SELECT is a true Variant with no data type. It ends up returning the hex values for the true long CusomerID column. An added benefit is the UNION ALL with the single row from the dummy table is more efficient.
John Viescas, Author
Microsoft Access 2010 Inside Out
Microsoft Access 2007 Inside Out
Microsoft Access 2003 Inside Out
Building Microsoft Access Applications
SQL Queries for Mere Mortals
(Paris, France)
On Jul 14, 2015, at 1:37 AM, crystal 8 strive4peace2008@yahoo.com [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> "is there any way for a user to set the value to Null without using code?
yes -- they can click (or press Spacebar?) to alternate between the choices -- Yes / No/ Null
I like this. On combox, I sometimes put a small command button with an X to clear the choice -- and definitely on listboxes as there is no way for the user to do it. I usually use triple-state checkboxes for unbound criteria. Tables must have one value or the other ... problem with Yes/No. Many years, I used Integer instead as per Allen Browne's recommendation -- and still do except for web databases (Access Apps). However, I like the triple state to know if the criteria needs to be considered.
I agree with your example though -- option group is good :) ~
Also a bit different than you, I like to do this:
dim vWhere as variant
vWhere = null
with me.controlname
if not isnull(.value) then
vWhere = (vWhere + " AND ") & "[numberfieldname]=" & .value
endif 'hey, why type a space when VBA will correct it if you don't ... leftover from habits a long time ago ~
end with
thanks, Duane
hope you enjoyed May 17 in some way ~
Warm Regards,
~ be awesome today ~
On 7/13/2015 3:51 PM, Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com [MS_Access_Professionals] wrote:
With a triple-state check box, is there any way for a user to set the value to Null without using code? That's why I would avoid check boxes for criteria.
I might use an option group with:
o Active
o Inactive
o Both
Or depending on form space possibly a combo box with three options.
Duane Hookom, MVP
MS Access
To: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com
From: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2015 15:09:23 -0600
Subject: Re: [MS_AccessPros] Filtering report with mulitple criterias
checkbox to be triple-state
On 7/13/2015 3:07 PM, crystal 8 wrote:
Hi Art,
adding on to Duane's excellent advice .. . and I will also enclose in With since more than one thing happens with the object
ask yourself: do you want the chebox to be tripple-state (yes/no/null) -- that is what I generally do for unbound criteria. If so, then:
with Me.checkbox_controlname ' YN
If Not IsNull(.value) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " AND [MyYNfield] = " & .value
End If
end with
in this way, you can do
With me.mycontrolname
where mycontrolname is each control the user can enter criteria for. I added a comment to the end, YN, so it is easier to see when you want to ctrl-drag those statements to make a copy for that control type ;) ~
Warm Regards,
Learn Access -6- Create a Continuous Form in Microsoft Access
- includes many tips for designing forms efficiently
~ be awesome today ~
On 7/13/2015 2:07 PM, Art Lorenzini dbalorenzini@yahoo.com [MS_Access_Professionals] wrote:
How would I handle check boxes on my filter form.
With Warm Regards,Arthur D. LorenziniIT System ManagerCheyenne River Housing AuthorityWk.(605)964-4265 Ext. 130Fax (605)964-1070
"Anyone who claimed that old age had brought them patience was either lying or senile."
From: "Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com [MS_Access_Professionals]" <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>
To: Access Professionals Yahoo Group <ms_access_professionals@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2015 3:02 PM
Subject: RE: [MS_AccessPros] Filtering report with mulitple criterias
Hi Art,
Good question.
I almost always leave the report's record source clear of any dynamic filtering. Assuming you have a form with a number of text and combo boxes and a button to open the report. The code to open the report might look like:
Dim strWhere as String
Dim strReport as String
strReport = "rptMyReportNameHere"
strWhere = "1= 1 " 'no effect on the filter
If Not IsNull(Me.txtStartDate) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " AND [MyDateField] >= #" & Me.txtStartDate & "# "
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.txtEndDate) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " AND [MyDateField] <= #" & Me.txtEndDate & "# "
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.txtCity) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " AND [MyCityField] = """ & Me.txtCity & """ "
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.txtUnitNumber) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " AND [MyUnitNumberField] = """ & Me.txtUnitNumber & """ "
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.txtSomeNumeric) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " AND [MySomeNumericField] = " & Me.txtSomeNumeric & " "
End If
' add more criteria as needed watching for date, string, and numeric data types
DoCmd.OpenReport strReport, acViewPreview, , strWhere
Duane Hookom, MVP
MS Access
To: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com
From: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2015 12:31:56 -0700
Subject: [MS_AccessPros] Filtering report with mulitple criterias
I am looking for an example of how to filter a report using multiple dropdowns. I have a report which I need to filter by community, move-in date, city, class, project, tenant, unit number. It could be single criteria or some or all of them. If anyone knows of anything, please let me know.
Thank you,
Art Lorenzini
Sioux Falls, SD
Posted by: John Viescas <johnv@msn.com>
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