That was easy to fix. Thank You.
Jim Wagner
On Monday, June 8, 2015 9:56 AM, "Jim Wagner [MS_Access_Professionals]" <> wrote:
I get a division by zero error
Jim Wagner
On Monday, June 8, 2015 9:53 AM, "'Robert Peterson' [MS_Access_Professionals]" <> wrote:
I believe you need &"\" added to the end of mypath like so.
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptVehicleVPOCValidationAnnouncement", acFormatPDF, myPath & "\" & "Report-All Users" & ".pdf", False
Bob Peterson
From: []
Sent: Monday, June 08, 2015 12:36 PM
Subject: [MS_AccessPros] Code not saving to the correct folder
Sent: Monday, June 08, 2015 12:36 PM
Subject: [MS_AccessPros] Code not saving to the correct folder
Hello all,
I have some code that emails out a report to users. Everything works except the path of the file in code does not put the file in the correct place. I have looked at the code for several days and cannot understand why the report is not being saved to the correct folder. I am now in a state that I just see the same thing over and over. I do not have any perspective of what is happening. I am hoping that someone can see the issue.
The file is being saved currently as Outputted ReportsReport-All Users.pdf in the S:\Fleet Services Reporting folder. It should be going to the S:\Fleet Services Reporting\Outputted Reports folder as Report-All Users.pdf. I just do not see it clearly anymore after 2 days. Below is the code
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank You
Jim Wagner
Private Sub cmdEmail_Click()
' This process genera tes the full report for the vehicle's which have their emissions due on the date given by the user on the main form and sends
' report .
' report .
MsgBox ("This will send out out the emails. Please make sure to work offline.")
Dim RS_1 As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim strSQL As String
Dim sSQL As String
Dim RS_1 As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim strSQL As String
Dim sSQL As String
Set db = CurrentDb
' Disable all warnings
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
' myPath stores the path of the directory which stores the outputted reports
myPath = "S:\Fleet Services Reporting\Outputted Reports"
myPath = "S:\Fleet Services Reporting\Outputted Reports"
' Open the REPORT to be emailed
' Apply filter to open the report for the given contact name only
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptVehicleVPOCValidationAnnouncement", acViewReport, , , , "False"
; 'the source for the report is
'from cmms
'from cmms
' Save the Report as .html at myPath with a file name of the [Contact Name]
&n bsp; ' We also append the '.html' file extension at the end of the file name
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptVehicleVPOCValidationAnnouncement", acFormatPDF, myPath & "Report-All Users" & ".pdf", False
' Close the Report
DoCmd.Close acReport, "rptVehicleVPOCValidationAnnouncement" 'which is a report
'the source for the report is
&nb sp; 'from cmms
'from cmms
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
' Apply filter to open the report for the given contact name only
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptVehicleVPOCValidationAnnouncement", acViewReport, , , , "False"
; 'the source for the report is
'from cmms
'from cmms
' Save the Report as .html at myPath with a file name of the [Contact Name]
&n bsp; ' We also append the '.html' file extension at the end of the file name
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptVehicleVPOCValidationAnnouncement", acFormatPDF, myPath & "Report-All Users" & ".pdf", False
' Close the Report
DoCmd.Close acReport, "rptVehicleVPOCValidationAnnouncement" 'which is a report
'the source for the report is
&nb sp; 'from cmms
'from cmms
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Dim objol As New Outlook.Application
Dim objmail As MailItem
Set objol = New Outlook.Application
Dim outputFileName
' We set the output file name to Report-All Users.html
outputFileName = "S:\Fleet Services Reporting\Outputted Reports\Report-All Users.pdf"
outputFileName = "S:\Fleet Services Reporting\Outputted Reports\Report-All Users.pdf"
' Email Process begins
Set objmail = objol.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With objmail
Set objmail = objol.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With objmail
' This allows the email to be sent out from the fleet services email id instead of the personal one
o bjmail.SentOnBehalfOfName = ""
.To ="
' Set the subject
.Subject = "Vehichle Audit User Report"
' Set the body
.Body = "Attached is the report of all the users."
.NoAging = True
' Attach the report
.Attachments.Add outputFileName
End With
o bjmail.SentOnBehalfOfName = ""
.To ="
' Set the subject
.Subject = "Vehichle Audit User Report"
' Set the body
.Body = "Attached is the report of all the users."
.NoAging = True
' Attach the report
.Attachments.Add outputFileName
End With
' Send the email out
SendKeys "%{s}", True
SendKeys "%{s}", True
'disable the cmdEmail button
Me!cmdEmail.Enabled = False
Me!cmdEmail.Enabled = False
'get the cmd_EditVehicleAuditAnnouncementEmailBody button to be visible
Me!cmd_EditVehicleAuditAnnouncementEmailBody.Visible = True
Me!cmd_EditVehicleAuditAnnouncementEmailBody.Visible = True
Me!cmd_EditVehicleAuditAnnouncementEmailBody.Visible = TrueMe!lblStep.Visible = True
Me!lblStep.Top = 5820
Me!lblStep.Left = 8159
Me!lblStep.Caption = "Step 5"
Me!lblInstructions.Visible = True
Me!lblInstructions.Caption = "This will open the Vehicle Announcement Body form for users to edit the text that will be used in the body of the email message"
Me!cmdOpenCMMSWebpage.Visible = False
Me!lblStep.Top = 5820
Me!lblStep.Left = 8159
Me!lblStep.Caption = "Step 5"
Me!lblInstructions.Visible = True
Me!lblInstructions.Caption = "This will open the Vehicle Announcement Body form for users to edit the text that will be used in the body of the email message"
Me!cmdOpenCMMSWebpage.Visible = False
' Inform the user that the report has been mailed
MsgBox "Report has been emailed"
Me!linProgressBar.Visible = True
Me!linProgressBar.Width = 12239
MsgBox "Report has been emailed"
Me!linProgressBar.Visible = True
Me!linProgressBar.Width = 12239
End Sub
Posted by: Jim Wagner <>
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