Rabu, 05 Agustus 2015

[MS_AccessPros] passing id from subform to popup form


I am having an issue with passing a field called UnitID from a subform (frm_conveyance_list) which resides in the mainform (frm_main) to a popup form (frm_conveyance_create). the way the mainform is setup is as follows:

Forms!frm_main!Child1.Form!ChildSettings.SourceObject = "frm_unit_detail_w_tab"

I need to pass the Unit ID that resides on the frm_unit_detail_w_tab (called UnitID) to the frm_conveyance_create.

It use to get done simply like:

intArgs = Forms![frm_unit_detail_w_tab].UnitID

But in this scenario it does not work. I need to address a field on the SourceObject.

Any ideas?

Thank you,

Art lorenzini

Sioux Falls, SD


Posted by: dbalorenzini@yahoo.com
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