Senin, 04 Agustus 2014

RE: [MS_AccessPros] Re: reality check for my logic


Sounds good to me, Glenn.


---In, <> wrote :

Thanks Bill,


Right now I am displaying a "possible match, please choose" form that displays the possible matches and allows the user to retain the entered value or choose one of the "matches."




From: []
Sent: Monday, August 4, 2014 9:58 AM
Subject: [MS_AccessPros] Re: reality check for my logic





Catching typos/abbreviation differences is always hard. You can never assume they are the same street so clean-up still have to be done manually. I'd say a difference of 3 characters is a good start. But you should give the user a chance to decide at the time of entry. Especially if you are checking street names before you have the city.



Bill Mosca, Founder - MS_Access_Professionals

Microsoft Office Access MVP

My nothing-to-do-with-Access blog


---In, <> wrote :

I am comparing user entered street name against street names already in a table. My algorithm is to first test soundex or the two values. If the soundex  values a different then I test the Damerau Levenstein  distance  between the two values. If the distance is between 1 and 3 then I assume there is a possible typo in one of the values.


I have implemented the algorithm with this code:


Public Function FuzzyMatch(rstrString1 As String, _

                           rstrString2 As String) As Boolean

' Procedure: FuzzyMatch

' DateTime: 7/30/2014 12:40:15 PM

' Author: Glenn Lloyd

' Description: Compares two strings using Soundex to filter

' before calculating LD



    Const cstrProcedure = "FuzzyMatch"

    Dim strSndx1 As String

    Dim strSndx2 As String

    Dim intDLD As Integer


    On Error GoTo HandleError


    strSndx1 = Soundex(rstrString1)

    strSndx2 = Soundex(rstrString2)

    intDLD = DLD(rstrString1, rstrString2, 5) 'limit distance recursions

    FuzzyMatch = False

    If strSndx1 <> strSndx2 Then

        'they don't sound the same but is there a typo

        'if there is more than a 3 character difference value is

        'probably not a typo


        If (intDLD >= 1 And intDLD <= 3) Then

            FuzzyMatch = True

        End If


        If strSndx1 = strSndx2 Then

            'they sound the same so we may have a match

            FuzzyMatch = True


        End If

    End If



    Exit Function



    ErrorHandle Err, Erl(), cstrModule & "." & cstrProcedure

    Resume HandleExit

End Function


My question is: how sound is my logic that more than three character differences between two values indicates a low probability of a typo?


Glenn Lloyd

(705)805-6712 | Fax (705)805-9289 | Text (705)885-5283

OfficeTipsAndMethods Blog



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