Hi John,
I uploaded a zipped copy of my database to the files as I'm not sure how to
copy the code, sorry. It says Deb - Parts Purchase Subform Assistance.
It is the Parts_Purchase form that I am having problems with.... Please
note that the database is still very much under construction so not
everything is working.
Thank you for you help!!
On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 11:06 AM, John Viescas <john@viescas.com> wrote:
> Deb-
> Something funky is going on. Yes, a properly linked Datasheet form should
> show
> all the rows related to the outer form record. The "Can't assign a value
> to
> this object" message means you have a problem in the code or macro behind
> the
> form(s). Can you copy and paste ALL the code from both the form and the
> subform
> in a reply? When you get the error, do you see a Debug button? If so, you
> can
> click that to see the offending line of code.
> John Viescas, author
> Microsoft Office Access 2010 Inside Out
> Microsoft Office Access 2007 Inside Out
> Building Microsoft Access Applications
> Microsoft Office Access 2003 Inside Out
> SQL Queries for Mere Mortals
> http://www.viescas.com/
> (Paris, France)
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Minggu, 24 Juli 2011
Re: [MS_AccessPros] Display all records in subform datasheet
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