Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

[MS_AccessPros] Report not working right yet.


Ok, I'm still having problems with my report. I'm using the following query (qryCustomerRute) to populate the report:

SELECT tblCustomers.IdCustomer, tblStatus.Status, tblCustomers.AccountNum, tblCustomers.CompanyName, tblCustomers.Notes1, tblAddresses.City, qryServices.ProxServ
FROM tblStatus INNER JOIN (tblCustomers INNER JOIN (tblAddresses INNER JOIN (tblInventory INNER JOIN qryServices ON tblInventory.IdInventory = qryServices.IdInventory) ON tblAddresses.IdAddress = tblInventory.IdAddress) ON tblCustomers.IdCustomer = tblAddresses.IdCustomer) ON tblStatus.IdStatus = tblCustomers.IdStatus
WHERE (((tblStatus.Status)=[ENTRAR STATUS]) AND ((tblAddresses.City)=[ENTRAR PUEBLO]) AND ((qryServices.ProxServ)=[ENTRAR MES]));

In the report I'm using a sub report for the addresses and two sub reports inside the address, one for the contact people for that address and another for the inventory at the address.

The problem is that with the query I'm using, if a customer has 6 inventory items (records), than that customer shows up 6 different times in the report.

Excaclly how do I fix this?

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