Selasa, 19 November 2013

[MS_AccessPros] RE: Use of apostrophe in data ?


How are you importing the data?


Bill Mosca, Founder - MS_Access_Professionals

Microsoft Office Access MVP

My nothing-to-do-with-Access blog

---In, <> wrote:

Hi All, I am importing data from an EXCEL spreadsheet (an apostrophe may be imbedded in the string from EXCEL).  When I then try writing the data to the appropriate table in ACCESS, I get an error message  3075 Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression.
Is there any easy way to allow the data to be imported as is?  I can write a macro in EXCEL to run that would remove all apostrophes if needed but would prefer to maintain the data as is.
Using Office 2010 products.
Example of the data    -     JD'S HANDYMAN SERVICES

Thanks for any suggestions.

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