Selasa, 19 November 2013

[MS_AccessPros] RE: RE: MS Access 2003 bloating excessively



Hopefully I am able to resolve this by...

- exporting all objects into new MDB ( excluding linked tables )

- then re-linking tables by recreating new DSN-less connection from scratch.

The process is underway, I will share the final outcome once finished.


---In, <ozairkhalid@...> wrote:


Yes I did that too. 

Today I am going to try SaveAsText and LoadFromText.

Question : ( aside )

I was googling this and saw Allen Browne's post. ( very old )

While suggesting a solution he said "Is there lots of free space on this drive?" - I do not understand it - could you please explain?


---In, <JohnV@...> wrote:



Have you tried importing everything but the linked tables?  The error about MSysRelationships implies it's having trouble mapping the SQL Server relationships into Access.  That won't happen if there are no linked tables.  Do you have any local tables?


John Viescas, Author

Microsoft Access 2010 Inside Out

Microsoft Access 2007 Inside Out

Microsoft Access 2003 Inside Out

Building Microsoft Access Applications

SQL Queries for Mere Mortals

(Paris, France)




From: [] On Behalf Of ozairkhalid@...
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2013 12:25 PM
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: [MS_AccessPros] MS Access 2003 bloating excessively



Ahmed, Thanks for the link.




Yes I have tried multiple times to re-build the application by importing all objects into a fresh MDB.

Even in the new file, the auto generated table MSysCompactError appears always with some new values.


I have been careful to uncheck "Track Name Auto Correct" every time.

It is becoming challenging because I am still not able to isolate the corrupt ( if any ) object including custom menus.


Did I tell you I have just re-installed MS Office 2003 with SP3 + Hotfix then ran windows updates.




---In, <ahmedhashim1@...> wrote:


Also besides what John and other master of Access said, you may want to check this link:



John Viescas <JohnV@...> wrote:




It sounds like your database is corrupt.  Try creating a new empty database and then import all the objects into it from the broken one.


John Viescas, Author

Microsoft Access 2010 Inside Out

Microsoft Access 2007 Inside Out

Microsoft Access 2003 Inside Out

Building Microsoft Access Applications

SQL Queries for Mere Mortals

(Paris, France)




From: [] On Behalf Of ozairkhalid@...
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2013 8:22 AM
Subject: RE: RE: RE: [MS_AccessPros] MS Access 2003 bloating excessively



Linked Table Manager throws "Application Defined or Object Defined Error" 



---In, <ozairkhalid@...> wrote:

Hello John,Bill and Gary


Thanks for your input.


I am still struggling and still unable to resolve.

Things I have tried...

#1- deleted all linked tables then compacted the MDB.

      there was a new table automatically created with two records.

Table       MsysCompactError

Fields      ErrorDescription                     ErrorTable      

Record 1  System Resource Exceeded  MsysAccessStorage

Record 2  System Resource Exceeded  MsysRelationships


I deleted that table i.e. MsysCompactError and compacted MDB, after compact the table was



#2 - Decompile the MDB

#3 - Moved the MDB on another PC and tried all things I knew but no luck.


I picked two or three days old back up set and applied all things above still the problem exists.


In short, I am not able to figure out if it is something wrong with Linked Tables OR the machine OR 

the MDB itself.




---In, <gary.schwartz@...> wrote:

Bloating is normal if you are actively changing structure in the database,
or the linked or local content changes a lot.

A warning: if the bloat gets too big, approaching 2G, the Access database
can get corrupted. While it is possible to recover it, there is
considerable effort and risk of failure involved.

While you can manually run "compact and repair" as you indicated, you could
also go to "Tools, Options" and select the "General" tab. On there you can
select "Compact on close". This will mean increased time each time you
close the file, but no worries about bloating.

If your back end is also Access, same applies there. SQL backend has other
ways to accomplish this.


Original email:
From: ozairkhalid@...
Date: 11 Nov 2013 22:01:56 -0800
Subject: [MS_AccessPros] MS Access 2003 bloating excessively


My front end MDB file is bloating excessively ( specially) when re-linking
tables using Linked Table Manager.

After compacting, the normal size of the front end MDB is 100MB which goes
up to 1GB ( even more ) during the re-link.

Any idea how to prevent it?

OS : Windows 2008 R2 64Bit
Database : SQL Server 2012
Office : MS Office 2003 with SP3 ( including Hotfix for SP3)


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