Kamis, 21 November 2013

[MS_AccessPros] Output query to multiple Excel Worksheets


I currently have a query that I am outputting to an Excel File as follows:

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "mltc1a", acFormatXLS,, True


It works fine.


The query looks like this:

SELECT  Patient.[last name] & "," & Patient.[first name] AS [Registrants Name], insurance.iname AS MLTC, Patient.[start date] AS [Start Date], Patient.[end date] AS [End Date], Patient.recertdate AS [Recertification Date]
FROM (Patient LEFT JOIN shift ON Patient.[preferred shift] = shift.[Shift #]) INNER JOIN insurance ON Patient.insrcd = insurance.insrcd
WHERE ...(conditions)
ORDER BY Patient.[last name], Patient.[first name], Patient.mi, Patient.[patient id];

I would like to add a seperate worksheet for each insurance code/MLTC to this Excel file. So I can have a worksheet for each MLTC, lisiting all the names that belong to it. I would also like the name of the worksheet to be the MLTC name.


How can I do this?.


Thanks for all your help.



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