Kamis, 20 September 2012

RE: [MS_AccessPros] Buttons



How are you changing the color? When I changed it in the properties sheet the
shape stayed the same. But the gradient fill did get changed back to 'none'.

Bill Mosca,
Founder, MS_Access_Professionals
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MS Access MVP


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From: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Bill Singer
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2012 8:23 AM
To: 'MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com'
Subject: [MS_AccessPros] Buttons

I am looking for options on the buttons.

I like the default look of the buttons in Access 2010. I like how they are
faded from top to bottom. However, sometimes I would like to change the
color a little darker or lighter. As soon as I make any changes to the
button colors I lose all the fading formatting on the button and then the
buttons have square corners as opposed to round corners.

Is there a trick to keeping the shading but changing the color a bit?

Bill Singer

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