Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011

Re: [MS_AccessPros] Opions plz, continued from discussion with John V. re: LOTS of Tables


Hi Terence,

make a PowerPoint presentation (or Word doc) with screen shots of your relationship diagram laid out according to the guidelines in the Relationships chapter of Access Basics and post them. I would like to see your structure.

Access Basics by Crystal (Bill Mosca's site)

Warm Regards,

(: have an awesome day :)

--- On Sat, 8/27/11, Terence wrote:

> I have been working on a DB which
> started out small and grew LOL. It is a medical/statistical
> DB, and the General format was an Information Table
> (Patients name, address, etc), An Office_Visit Table,
> consisting of measurements taken during that visit. Very
> Straight forward.
> Then it turned out that the measurements taken during each
> office visit were derived from tests which required either
> specific calculations or questioners. So what I did was to
> create a popup form for each test or questioners. These
> detailed elements of information were then stored in a
> separate table linked to the office visit.
> Well I now have over 40 potential tables per office visit
> and counting.
> In discussions with John V. (Which you can follow on our
> forum). John suggested that I consider making each test a
> ROW of the Visit table, thus reducing the number of table
> significantly.
> Now be aware, these probably only 50 % of these test are
> actually performed during a visit.
> John seemed to be uncomfortable with the large number of
> tables, and seemed especially concerned about DB size.
> I am looking for comments suggestions, and any case
> experience from other member with a similar situation. I
> wrestle with LOTS of tables, BIG DEAL, "thats what a DB is
> for". Or should I take a more conservative approach and make
> the various test data as rows to the Visit ?
> Pit Falls ? Pros Cons ?
> terence
> TY in advance.

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