Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

[MS_AccessPros] Re: Split the DB frontend/backend then make accdb, but accdb does not operate proper


OK, a little more info. When I open up the accdb.....(Non locked down front end)...In an attempt create an ACCDE....It creates fine, and runs fine....HOWEVER, when I close MS office and then attempt to open it up again via clicking on the ACCDE...that when I get the issue of not being able to access tables...NO message mind you, the applications simply acts like there is NO data.

--- In, "Terence" <buffalome90210@...> wrote:
> Wait a moment, I am using access 2007, and creating a object version of the frontend, Hence what I am really creating is not an accdb but an accde, is that correct ? In any regards , I am still having the issue of the accde NOT seeming to be able to access the tables /
> Terence
> --- In, "Terence" <buffalome90210@> wrote:
> >
> > Splitting a DBm I have done many times, no prob. Creating accdb...I have done, does not seem to be a prob. But now I have split the DB (Front end and Back end) , and now wish to turn the frontend into an ACCDB...Which I assume is an Object format of the Front end....I use the tools and it appears to work fine. here is the catch. when I open the ACCDB, it acts as though it cannot access the tables ?, forms are there, but code does not seem to respond, AM I missing something, like is there some magic about connecting the accdb frontend to the tables of the back end ?
> >
> > terence
> >

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