Most likely that error is here
.FindFirst "[" & SearchField & "] = " & SearchValue
Good morning Mr. Mandeno
I first would like to say thank you. It's been quite long since… I finally have got a chance to get back to play with the Public Function that you were helping me with.
Now I've got the function working pretty good and it can be called from different forms. However, I am not sure if my code is efficient enough or the statements (such as MoveFirst, MoveLast, check for EOF, Requery, Goto …) is redundant or unnecessary. I've also tried to create a Sub (resides in the main form) which deletes records in the sub form. However that created a Run-time error '3265' Item not found in this collection. What part of my code caused that error? Below is my code.
Thank again Mr. Mandeno
'Delete record in the main form, this sub's working OK
Private Sub cmdDelOrder_Click()
Call FindFormRecord(Me, "pkeyOrderID", Me.txtOrderID) 'passing Number data type
End Sub
'Delete record in the sub form, this created 'error 3265 item not found in this collection'
Private Sub cmdDelProduct_Click()
Call FindFormRecord(Me, "fkeyProductID", Me!subSubTotal.Form!cboProductID)
End Sub
Public Function FindFormRecord(
SearchForm As Access.Form, _
SearchField As String, _
SearchValue As Variant, _
Optional NoMatchMessage As String = "Record not found" _
) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
With SearchForm.RecordsetClone
Select Case .Fields(SearchField).Type
Case dbText
SearchValue = Chr$(34) & SearchValue & Chr$(34)
Case dbLong
SearchValue = SearchValue
End Select
If Not .EOF Then
.FindFirst "[" & SearchField & "] = " & SearchValue
If Not .NoMatch Then 'if found then delete the record.
If MsgBox("Deleting " & SearchValue & ". Proceed to delete?", vbInformation + vbYesNo, "Delete record.") = vbYes Then
End If
MsgBox NoMatchMessage
GoTo ExitcboFindSetup
End If
GoTo ExitcboFindSetup
End If
End With
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description
Resume ExitcboFindSetup
End Function
Posted by: Peter Poppe <>
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