Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013

RE: [MS_AccessPros] Assistance needed with a report



Where do you see the hawb footer section displayed? You should see all the clientnos together unless there isn't room on the page.

Duane Hookom MVP (just awarded for 2013)
MS Access

> To:
> From:
> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2013 14:09:33 +0000
> Subject: Re: [MS_AccessPros] Assistance needed with a report
> Hi Duane,
> With your instructions I am much closer to my goal. The only thing is where the hawb and clientno is the same, I want it on the same page. Refer to the example below. Currently it's putting each one on a different page.
> MAWB: 123-4567-8900
> HAWB: 9888
> Clientno: A123
> Desc ctn pkg kgs
> Printers 1 2 10
> Ink 2 1 15
> Thanks
> Toukey
> --- In, Duane Hookom <duanehookom@...> wrote:
>> Toukey,
>> I don't expect you would need a subreport. Did you try setting the grouping?
>> Duane Hookom MVP
>> MS Access
>> ----------------------------------------
>>> To:
>>> From:
>>> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2013 13:54:23 +0000
>>> Subject: Re: [MS_AccessPros] Assistance needed with a report
>>> Hey Duane,
>>> Is this done by way of Report / Subreport?
>>> Toukey
>>> --- In, Duane Hookom <duanehookom@> wrote:
>>>> Toukey,
>>>> Apparently you need to group by MAWB first, then HAWB (with a footer). Set the "Force New Page" to "After Section" in the HAWB footer section properties.
>>>> Duane Hookom MVP
>>>> MS Access
>>>> ----------------------------------------
>>>>> From:
>>>>> I am trying to create a report from a query with the following fields:
>>>>> mawb
>>>>> clientno
>>>>> hawb
>>>>> desc
>>>>> ctn
>>>>> pkg
>>>>> kgs
>>>>> Having a problem with the layout of the report which should look like the following. For each MAWB there can be one or more HAWBs. Each HAWB has one Clientno, however each Clientno can have one or more Desc. Need to have each HAWB on a separate page.
>>>>> Page 1
>>>>> MAWB: 123-4567-8900
>>>>> HAWB: 9876
>>>>> Clientno: A123
>>>>> Desc ctn pkg kgs
>>>>> Printers 1 2 10
>>>>> -------------------------------
>>>>> Page 2
>>>>> MAWB: 123-4567-8900
>>>>> HAWB: 9888
>>>>> Clientno: A123
>>>>> Desc ctn pkg kgs
>>>>> Printers 1 2 10
>>>>> Ink 2 1 15
>>>>> ----------------------------------------
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Toukey
>>> ------------------------------------
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> ------------------------------------
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