Rabu, 23 Oktober 2013

[MS_AccessPros] Problem with Dcount


I have two tables, one (tblStudentClass) has student IDs and class numbers for what a student will take on Monday, Tuesday, etc to Saturday. The class is a 2 digit number, 01 to 27, formated as text.

The other table (tblInstructor) has the class number (01 to 27) and the instructor name.

I am trying to get a student count for each class by day.

What I have so far is a report using tblInstructor to list the class number,instructor name, then using Dcount to get the number of students taking that class Monday, Tuesday, etc. To do this I have been trying the following in a textbox

=Dcount(Monday,tblStudentClass, Monday=ClassID)
=Dcount(Tuesday,tbleStudentClass, Tuesday=ClassID), etc

each line would have ClassID, Instructor name, number for Monday, Number for Tuesday, etc

I keep gettng an error. What am I doing wrong?


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