Rabu, 01 Agustus 2012

[MS_AccessPros] Creating a report based upon pivot tables etc.


We have a report that is based upon a pivot table in excel. I now have the table it's based upon created in Access. Ideally I'd like to have the report created within Access rather than exporting the data, cutting and pasting into Excel, ...

I'm uploading the report so you can see what it's like. Any input would be VERY appreciated.

Raw Data is the basic info that I cut and paste from Access.

I have two reports:
"REPORT-PriceRange" and "Report-City".

REPORT-Price Range is based upon Pivot Tables
Count $ Range--based upon "Price Range" which is drawn from "Raw Data"
WO Pending--based upon table on same page which is drawn from "Raw Data" (Pendings omitted).

Report-City draws from the Pivot Table "Count City" which is based upon the table in the "City".

Thanks a bunch!


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