Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

[MS_AccessPros] Transferring data from one multilist to another and pro/cons of bound multilist


Hi all!

I have a form that has a header which creates a filter to search our listings based upon cities selected, # bedrooms, # baths etc. cboCity and cboHouseType are both unbound multiselect list boxes in this header. Therefore we can search for houses in 3 cities and 4 types of houses. This form is working well.

I have another form (LookingEvent)where Lookers are entered. Similar info is entered here. Only problem is that I'd like to store the info that is entered here and click a button to enter that info into the Search_AllListings form (mentioned above) to bring up all the houses that fit this person. Also, later I'd like to enter the info for a new house into a form (yet to be created) and pull up potential buyers.

I vaguely recall that multiselect boxes are not recommended.
-Would you tell me why?
-In this situation should I be creating a one to many relationship with a table for cities and types of houses?
-If so, is it better to have one table for both cities and type of houses or separate them?


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