Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

RE: [MS_AccessPros] Trying to automate multiple patients "chains" of hospital visits


Hi Eric,

to upload a file to MS_Access_Professionals:

1. go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MS_Access_Professionals/

2. click Files from left sidebar menu

3. choose 2_Assistance needed folder from list

4. click the Add File link on the right above the listing

5. Browse to your file, add a description, check or not check box to announce the file has been uploaded to the group ... better to tell us in a post to the thread that you did.


as for "chaining" visits:

don't have time to look at your db ... you could use something like this:

- PatientID, PK
- more patient info

- VisitID, PK
- PatientID, FK to Patients
- VisitID_, FK to Visits.VisitID for chaining
- visIn, date/time
- visOut, date/time
- visit type, visit status, etc

I often add a field to a table that is the name of the PrimaryKey field plus an underscore on the end to designate a "parent" record

for planning (Appointments), I add records to the Visits table and have a status field that shows it is planned -- then change the status when they show up

PK = Primary Key
FK = Foreign Key

Warm Regards,

(: have an awesome day :)

--- On Wed, 6/1/11, Barry White wrote:

> This is simply a query I am working
> on in another more secure DB, as part of the electronic
> health record.
> this is not in MS Access, but I was hoping someone could
> help me with the logic.
> No HIPPA breaches here.
> So how do I upload this to the needs assistance folder?
> Eric Lutz
> --- On Wed, 6/1/11, Andrew Mills <amills@dmlogicllc.com>
> wrote:
> From: Andrew Mills <amills@dmlogicllc.com>
> Subject: RE: [MS_AccessPros] Trying to automate multiple
> patients "chains" of hospital visits
> To: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Wednesday, June 1, 2011, 10:19 AM
> Eric:
> You can't attach a file to the email. You have to upload
> it to the Group's Yahoo page in the "Needs Assistance"
> folder.
> I have to say though: I am very leery that an Access
> database is an acceptable database for medical and patient
> records. I would think this is a serious violation of HIPPA
> rules due to the very lax security surrounding an Access
> database.
> I know an Access database would never be allowed for Credit
> Cards (or processing those like Ebay, Amazon, or any other
> application that accepts credit cards as payment) due to PCI
> regulations. When you get hacked the first month in business
> due to this, your company wouldn't be around much longer.
> I would have to think HIPPA wouldn't allow such a
> database to store such confidential information.
> Have said that, I do not know for certain, but it might be
> worth the effort to find out.
> Thanks
> Andy
> From: Barry White

> Okay I give up.
> How do you attach a document to this group, so it comes out
> in the correct readable format?
> It did not take my word doc attachment and when I simply do
> a paste as in below it comes out all nasty.
> Eric Lutz
> --- On Wed, 6/1/11, Barry White
> Hello all,
> I am viewing multiple patient's medical data.
> The very first visit by that patient over a given timeframe
> is designated with "999999"
> For each subsequent visit by that same patient I wish to
> calculate a running total of days since the discharge date
> of the initial visit. The date of discharge is the second
> column of dates in the set below. The first column of dates
> are the admit dates.
> A new patient's initial visit begins, when you run into
> another set of "999999"
> (I am not particular as to what value I give the initial
> visit, it could be 999999 or any value as long as its
> consistent).
> So in row 2, with the admit date being 2/23/2010 and the
> discharge of 2/27/2010, the days since the initial visit is
> 5, as seen in column 3, and it is calculated as
> 2/23/2010 minus 2/18/2010
> The third visit by this same patient is an admit date of
> 3/6/2010 and discharge of 3/10/2010
> So you could either take 3/6/2010 minus 2/18/2010 for the
> result of 16, OR you could do it the way I have done it
> below, which is to take 3/6/2010 minus 2/23/2010 = 11
> (subtracting admit dates), and add the 11 from the 3rd row
> of the fourth column to the 5 from the second row in the
> third column.
> That 5 + 11 = 16, the 16 will need to be added to the 56,
> yielding 72 as a running total. The 72 will need to be added
> to the 177 to equal 249, the 249 in turn added to the 45 to
> ultimately give 294 days as the total days from the first
> visits day of discharge.
> The problem comes in because each patient can have a unique
> and totally different number of visits, within a given time
> frame, so you never know when the "chain" will end.
> Sometimes it ends with two visits only, sometimes 10, or 3,
> or 5, or 7, etc.
> 02/16/2010
> 02/18/2010
> 999999
> 999999
> 02/23/2010
> 02/27/2010
> 5
> 7
> 03/06/2010
> 03/10/2010
> 7
> 11
> 05/01/2010
> 05/03/2010
> 52
> 56
> 10/25/2010
> 10/27/2010
> 175
> 177
> 12/09/2010
> 12/16/2010
> 43
> 45
> 12/28/2009
> 01/01/2010
> 999999
> 999999
> 01/28/2010
> 02/09/2010
> 27
> 31
> 06/05/2010
> 06/10/2010
> 116
> 128
> 08/16/2010
> 08/20/2010
> 67
> 72
> 10/04/2010
> 10/07/2010
> 45
> 49
> 02/21/2010
> 02/23/2010
> 999999
> 999999
> 01/21/2011
> 01/29/2011
> 332
> 334
> 06/30/2010
> 07/02/2010
> 999999
> 999999
> 01/01/2011
> 01/04/2011
> 183
> 185
> --- On Wed, 6/1/11, Barry White wrote:
> Hello all,
> I would appreciate a point in the right direction, or a
> little assist with the attached.
> Thank you in advance for all your help.
> Eric Lutz

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