Rabu, 15 November 2017

Re: RE: RE: RE: [MS_AccessPros] Filter report with vba



This variable is not Dim'd. You need to Dim every variable used in your code. This is enforced by Option Explicit in the module declarations.

I don't know why you are even opening the report. I expect you only want to save the report to PDF and then attach it to an email. If this is true then only one of these lines should be run. The others need to be commented out.

        ' this works DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", acViewReport

        'DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", acViewReport, "", "(SelectEmployee=True) AND (ImmedSup=" & """" & ImmedSup & """)", acNormal

        'DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", acViewReport, , "ImmedSup=" & """" & ImmedSup & """", acNormal

       ' this works DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", myFileName, False, "", 0, acExportQualityPrint

        'DoCmd.OpenReport strReportName, acViewPreview, , strFilterString, acHidden

        DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, strReportName, acFormatPDF, strOutputFileName
        'DoCmd.Close acReport, "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo"


From: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com> on behalf of Jim Wagner luvmymelody@yahoo.com [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 2:24 PM
To: Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com [MS_Access_Professionals]
Subject: Re: RE: RE: RE: [MS_AccessPros] Filter report with vba


Now I see another variable error after fixing the quotes

now it stops on 

DoCmd.OpenReport strReportName, acViewPreview, , strFilterString, acHidden

Jim Wagner

On ‎Wednesday‎, ‎November‎ ‎15‎, ‎2017‎ ‎01‎:‎16‎:‎17‎ ‎PM, Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com> wrote:



I see an issue with the types of double-quotes. Notice the first line uses end quotes which is wrong. The second line uses " which is correct for VBA. You typically get errors like this if you copy and paste from a word processor. 

strReportName = "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo" 
strQueryName = "qryReportASWRT" 


From: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com> on behalf of Jim Wagner luvmymelody@yahoo.com [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 2:10 PM
To: Liz Ravenwood liz_ravenwood@beaerospace.com [MS_Access_Professionals]
Subject: Re: RE: RE: RE: [MS_AccessPros] Filter report with vba

Yes, it is compile error on the strReportName = "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo" line

Jim Wagner

On ‎Wednesday‎, ‎November‎ ‎15‎, ‎2017‎ ‎01‎:‎07‎:‎49‎ ‎PM, Liz Ravenwood liz_ravenwood@beaerospace.com [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


When you compile it, does the line get highlighted where it is finding which variable is not being defined?

Liz Ravenwood
Information Technology
Interior Systems
(520) 239-4808

From: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com [mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:38 PM
To: Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com [MS_Access_Professionals]
Subject: Re: RE: RE: [MS_AccessPros] Filter report with vba


I missed that one. I commented it out but get the same variable not defined error.

Jim Wagner

On ‎Wednesday‎, ‎November‎ ‎15‎, ‎2017‎ ‎12‎:‎24‎:‎01‎ ‎PM, Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> wrote:


I see two DoCmd.OpenReport in the code. Is there a reason for this? I would expect the first one would be commented out.


From: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com> <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> on behalf of Jim Wagner luvmymelody@yahoo.com<mailto:luvmymelody@yahoo.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>>
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:55 PM
To: 'Graham Mandeno' graham@mandeno.com<mailto:graham@mandeno.com> [MS_Access_Professionals]
Subject: Re: RE: RE: [MS_AccessPros] Filter report with vba

the error is Variable not defined

Private Sub cmdEmailAccrualSummaryDirectReport_Click()

Dim db As DAO.Database

Set db = CurrentDb

Dim RS_1, RS_2 As DAO.Recordset

Dim strMsg As String

Dim ReportsToName, EmailAddress, SupervisorEmail, ImmedSup As String
Dim myPath, myFileName As String
Dim strSQL, strSQL1, strSQL2 As String

Dim objol As New Outlook.Application
Dim objmail As MailItem
Set objol = New Outlook.Application
Dim strQueryName As String
Dim strPrevSQL As String
Dim strSQL3 As String

Dim strReportName As String

strReportName = "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo"

strQueryName = "qryReportASWRT"

DoCmd.SetWarnings False

'DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryDeleteAccrualsForReportWithReportsTo"

strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT Nz([Asc/Ast Dir],Nz([Dept Head],'Top Dog')) AS ImmedSup" _
& " FROM SupervisorTable INNER JOIN AccrualsForReport ON SupervisorTable.[Person Id] = AccrualsForReport.Emplid" _
& " WHERE (((SupervisorTable.[Person Id]) Not Like '1208509350'));"

' Open the record set containing all the supervisors
Set RS_1 = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)

' Set the path to the folder which stores all the reports

' For all entries, loop through, generate, store and email the report
Do While Not RS_1.EOF

' This routine is divided into two parts - 1) generate and store the report and 2) email the report
' We generate the report for all supervisors and store them in the designated folder.
' Section 1 - generate and store reports

' Obtain the supervisor's name
ImmedSup = RS_1!ImmedSup 'the Supervisor is being renamed here. It originally is SupervisorName from the value that is in the Supervisor field from the strSQL above in the code, which is a list of all the supervisor name
myFileName = myPath & "Accruals Report - " & ImmedSup & ".pdf" 'the SupervisorName is the value of the Supervisor field from the strSQL above in the code, which is a list of all the supervisors names

' Open the report with the filter and export it as PDF to the designated folder. Close the report.
If Not IsNull(ImmedSup) Then

strSQL2 = "SELECT * FROM qryReportsTo WHERE ImmedSup=""" & ImmedSup & """"

'Change the report recordsource query to filter by ImmedSup

strPrevSQL = fChangeSQL(strQueryName, strSQL2)

Debug.Print strSQL2 ' allows you to view the SQL statement

' this works DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", acViewReport

DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", acViewReport, "", "(SelectEmployee=True) AND (ImmedSup=" & """" & ImmedSup & """)", acNormal

'DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", acViewReport, , "ImmedSup=" & """" & ImmedSup & """", acNormal

' this works DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", myFileName, False, "", 0, acExportQualityPrint

DoCmd.OpenReport strReportName, acViewPreview, , strFilterString, acHidden
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, strReportName, acFormatPDF, strOutputFileName

DoCmd.Close acReport, "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo"

End If

' Section 2 - Email reports

' Obtain the email address for the supervisor, set the subject and body accordingly
' Attach the report and send the mail.

If Not IsNull(ImmedSup) Then
' this works
SupervisorEmail = DLookup("[Asu Email Addr]", "[R&D-CURRENTEMPLOYEES]", "[Person Nm]='" & ImmedSup & "'")

strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT SupervisorID, SupervisorName, SupervisorEmail FROM qryReportsASWRT;"
Set RS_1 = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenSnapshot)

' Set RS_2 = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL1, dbOpenDynaset)
' RS_2.MoveFirst
' SupervisorEmail = RS_2![Asu Email Addr]

strMsg = "<html><body><p>Attention " & ImmedSup & "" _
& "</p><p></br></br> Attached is your Direct Reports Accrual Summary Report." _
& "</p><p></br></br> Please review the report and contact the Time and Attendance Team, if you have any questions regarding this information.</body>" _
& "<p>" _
& "<p>" _
& "</br></br></br><p></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></p>" _
& "</br></br></br><p></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br> Becky Loomis, CPP</br>" _
& "<br></br>Arizona State University" _
& "<br></br>Accounting Manager, Payroll, Time and Attendance" _
& "<br></br>Facilities Development and Management" _
& "<br></br>(---)--------" _
& "<br></br>Fax (xxx) xxx-xxxx" _
& "</body></html>"

Set objmail = objol.CreateItem(olMailItem)

With objmail

.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
.To = SupervisorEmail
.Subject = "Accruals Report for " & ImmedSup
.HTMLBody = strMsg '"Hello. Attached is your Direct Reports Accrual Summary Report. If you have any questions, please contact the Time and Attendance Team." _
& vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
" - Thank You - " 'strMsg
.NoAging = True

.Attachments.Add myFileName

End With
SendKeys "%{s}", True
End If
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

MsgBox "Reports have been emailed to the Direct Reports Employees."

End Sub

Jim Wagner

On ‎Wednesday‎, ‎November‎ ‎15‎, ‎2017‎ ‎11‎:‎47‎:‎18‎ ‎AM, 'Graham Mandeno' graham@mandeno.com<mailto:graham@mandeno.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> wrote:

Hello Jim

There is nothing obviously wrong with that line of code, now that you have removed the "Set". What is the compile error?

Would you mind posting the code for the entire procedure?

Best wishes

From: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com> [mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Thursday, 16 November 2017 07:04
To: Jim Wagner luvmymelody@yahoo.com<mailto:luvmymelody@yahoo.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>>
Subject: Re: RE: [MS_AccessPros] Filter report with vba

Thank You Liz but now I am getting another compile error on

strReportName = "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo"

Jim Wagner


On ‎Wednesday‎, ‎November‎ ‎15‎, ‎2017‎ ‎10‎:‎18‎:‎51‎ ‎AM, Jim Wagner luvmymelody@yahoo.com<mailto:luvmymelody@yahoo.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> wrote:


I am a little confused.

I added the suggestions and I am getting a compile error

Object Required

this is on strReportName

I have the following below but it stops

Dim strReportName As String

Set strReportName = "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo"

Jim Wagner


On ‎Tuesday‎, ‎November‎ ‎14‎, ‎2017‎ ‎07‎:‎03‎:‎26‎ ‎PM, 'Graham Mandeno' graham@mandeno.com<mailto:graham@mandeno.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> wrote:

Hi Jim

Pardon me for jumping in, but I've just been reviewing your thread and I see you are making a common error in your Dim statements:

Dim RS_1, RS_2 As DAO.Recordset
Dim ReportsToName, EmailAddress, SupervisorEmail, ImmedSup As String
Dim myPath, myFileName As String
Dim strSQL, strSQL1, strSQL2 As String

In all of these statements, every variable except the last in each line is being declared as a Variant (the default type). VB(A) is not like some other languages where:
Declare a, b, c As TypeX
will declare all three variables as TypeX. In VB(A), every variable needs to have "As <type>" after it to avoid having it declared implicitly as a Variant.

This explains why you were getting a ByRef argument type mismatch error when passing strSQL to an argument that was declared "As String" – you were actually passing a Variant.

Getting back to your original question, I think the reason you were getting all employees is that you were not mentioning SelectEmployee in your filter string. You had:
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", acViewReport, "", "ImmedSup=" & """" & ImmedSup & """", acNormal

... where you should have had:
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", acViewReport, "", "(SelectEmployee=True) AND (ImmedSup=" & """" & ImmedSup & """)", acNormal

In general, this code should create a PDF from a filtered report:
DoCmd.OpenReport strReportName, acViewPreview, , strFilterString, acHidden
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, strReportName, acFormatPDF, strOutputFileName
(note the two adjacent commas in the first line)

I agree with Duane that it's a good idea to base your report's RecordSource on a pre-filtered copy of qryReportsTo (filtered on SelectEmployee=True) UNLESS the same report can be usefully reused with an unfiltered RecordSource. HOWEVER, I would be wary of modifying the SQL of that query on the fly, because you risk leaving it in an unknown state, filtered by some random ImmedSup value.

Another problem is that it appears you are getting ALL supervisors in your outer loop, whether or not they have employees selected. In fact, this may well explain the blank report problem.

To get the supervisor names and email addresses for your loop, I suggest you add [R&D-CURRENTEMPLOYEES] and SupervisorTable (I hope I've understood your structure correctly!) into qryReportsTo, and include the fields [Person ID] AS SupervisorID, [Person Nm] AS SupervisorName and [Asu Email Addr] AS SupervisorEmail.

Then, for your outer loop, you can do a SELECT DISTINCT on your RecordSource query:
strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT SupervisorID, SupervisorName, SupervisorEmail FROM qryReportsASWRT;"
Set RS_1 = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenSnapshot)

That way, you have everything about the supervisor you need – name, ID and email address – without resorting to further Recordsets or DLookups.

I do hope I haven't further confused matters for you!

Best wishes,
Graham Mandeno [Access MVP 1996-2015]

From: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com> [mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, 15 November 2017 08:59
To: Jim Wagner luvmymelody@yahoo.com<mailto:luvmymelody@yahoo.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>>
Subject: Re: [MS_AccessPros] Filter report with vba


I removed the strSQL1 recordset and put the below code as you suggested.

SupervisorEmail = DLookup("[Asu Email Addr]", "[R&D-CURRENTEMPLOYEES]", "[Person Nm]='" & ImmedSup & "'")

Jim Wagner


On ‎Tuesday‎, ‎November‎ ‎14‎, ‎2017‎ ‎12‎:‎39‎:‎30‎ ‎PM, Jim Wagner luvmymelody@yahoo.com<mailto:luvmymelody@yahoo.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> wrote:

I did notice if I open the report after the process has run, the report has no records because the record source is the qryReportASWRT and it has none of the fields for the detail section or the ImmedSup Header

Jim Wagner


On ‎Tuesday‎, ‎November‎ ‎14‎, ‎2017‎ ‎12‎:‎09‎:‎44‎ ‎PM, Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> wrote:

I thought your code was designed to loop through a recordset of supervisors and create an individualized report of their subordinates.

strSQL identifies each unique supervisor. qryReportASWRT is updated for each of these supervisors and a PDF report is created which gets emailed to the supervisor.

I don't know why you are using a recordset to get the email address of the ImmedSup:


Set RS_2 = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL1, dbOpenDynaset)


SupervisorEmail = RS_2![Asu Email Addr]

It seems to me you could use:

SupervisorEmail = DLookup("[Asu Email Addr]", "[R&D-CURRENTEMPLOYEES]","[Person Nm]='" & ImmedSup & "'")

or add the email table/field to strSQL so it's available without creating another recordset.



From: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com> <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> on behalf of Jim Wagner luvmymelody@yahoo.com<mailto:luvmymelody@yahoo.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>>
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 12:11 PM
To: Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals]
Subject: Re: [MS_AccessPros] Filter report with vba


I wish I could share the database. Because of the FERPA laws here at the university and other confidential information we are not allowed to share data.

I understand that the qryReportASWRT as the filter for the qryReportsTo query. I understand that the loop is looping through the records using the qryREportASWRT as the filter. The issue is that I see that when the query is changed to use the qryReportASWRT the name changes in the Criteria line.

I have been working on this project for 2 months. I think that I have hit the end of my patience for the project and so have the users waiting for me to finish it.

Jim Wagner


On ‎Tuesday‎, ‎November‎ ‎14‎, ‎2017‎ ‎11‎:‎03‎:‎04‎ ‎AM, Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> wrote:


Step through the code and figure out what is going on. Without having a copy of your application, I can't be of much more assistance.

Did you look at qryReportASWRT to see if it makes sense?




From: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com> <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> on behalf of Jim Wagner luvmymelody@yahoo.com<mailto:luvmymelody@yahoo.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>>
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 10:42 AM
To: Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals]
Subject: Re: [MS_AccessPros] Filter report with vba


It is actually sort of working. It is filtering the records correctly but it is now sending all of the supervisors with attached reports with no records except the one that I selected one employee.

Jim Wagner


On ‎Monday‎, ‎November‎ ‎13‎, ‎2017‎ ‎04‎:‎37‎:‎06‎ ‎PM, Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> wrote:

The SQL of qryReportASWRT should be changed with every record in RS_1.

I would place a breakpoint in the code and step through it to make sure every line is being run.

Duane Hookom


From: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com> <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> on behalf of Jim Wagner luvmymelody@yahoo.com<mailto:luvmymelody@yahoo.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>>
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2017 5:29 PM
To: Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals]
Subject: Re: [MS_AccessPros] Filter report with vba

the sql of the qryReportASWRT is

FROM qryReportsTo
WHERE (((qryReportsTo.SelectEmployee)=True));

Yes, I was hoping that I could get the report filtered on what users select in the table. I see what you are doing. with the code. I must be missing something.

Jim Wagner


On ‎Monday‎, ‎November‎ ‎13‎, ‎2017‎ ‎04‎:‎18‎:‎30‎ ‎PM, Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> wrote:


The SQL should be an SQL statement, not vba. Please view the SQL of qryReportASWRT and report back.

The code basically takes the current Supervisor and inserts them into the where clause of the report's record source. The report should then be filtered by the current supervisor which is what I thought you needed.

Duane Hookom


From: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com> <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> on behalf of Jim Wagner luvmymelody@yahoo.com<mailto:luvmymelody@yahoo.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>>
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2017 5:10 PM
To: Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals]
Subject: Re: [MS_AccessPros] Filter report with vba

the source of the report is indeed qryReportASWRT

the sql section is

ImmedSup = RS_1!ImmedSup 'the Supervisor is being renamed here. It originally is SupervisorName from the value that is in the Supervisor field from the strSQL above in the code, which is a list of all the supervisor name
myFileName = myPath & "Accruals Report - " & ImmedSup & ".pdf" 'the SupervisorName is the value of the Supervisor field from the strSQL above in the code, which is a list of all the supervisors names

' Open the report with the filter and export it as PDF to the designated folder. Close the report.
If Not IsNull(ImmedSup) Then

strSQL2 = "SELECT * FROM qryReportsTo WHERE ImmedSup=""" & ImmedSup & """"

'Change the report recordsource query to filter by ImmedSup

strPrevSQL = fChangeSQL(strQueryName, strSQL2)

Debug.Print strSQL2 ' allows you to view the SQL statement

DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", acViewReport

'DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", acViewReport, , "ImmedSup=" & """" & ImmedSup & """", acNormal

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", myFileName, False, "", 0, acExportQualityPrint

DoCmd.Close acReport, "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo"

End If

Jim Wagner


On ‎Monday‎, ‎November‎ ‎13‎, ‎2017‎ ‎03‎:‎24‎:‎59‎ ‎PM, Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> wrote:

What is the record source of rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo and what is its SQL?

I would expect them to be:

Record Source: qryReportASWRT

SQL: "SELECT * FROM qryReportsTo WHERE ImmedSup="Some Immediate Supervisor value";




From: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com> <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> on behalf of Jim Wagner luvmymelody@yahoo.com<mailto:luvmymelody@yahoo.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>>
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2017 4:09 PM
To: Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals]
Subject: Re: [MS_AccessPros] Filter report with vba


So I am still getting all of the records. It is not filtering the recordset. I chose 2 records to make it easier and the process emails every record.

Jim Wagner


On ‎Wednesday‎, ‎November‎ ‎8‎, ‎2017‎ ‎01‎:‎37‎:‎11‎ ‎PM, Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> wrote:

Hi Jim,

First you need to change the Dim of RW_1 which your code is not necessarily creating a DAO.Recordset

Dim RS_1 As DAO.Recordset, RS_2 As DAO.Recordset

I assume the record source of your report is qryReportASWRT.

Change the "strSQL" to "strSQL2" in the third line below and add a debug.print

If Not IsNull(ImmedSup) Then

strSQL2 = "SELECT * FROM qryReportsTo WHERE ImmedSup=""" & ImmedSup & """"

'Change the report recordsource query to filter by ImmedSup

strPrevSQL = fChangeSQL(strQueryName, strSQL2)

debug.print strSQL2 ' allows you to view the SQL statement
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", acViewReport

'DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", acViewReport, , "ImmedSup=" & """" & ImmedSup & """", acNormal

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", myFileName, False, "", 0, acExportQualityPrint

DoCmd.Close acReport, "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo"

End If

Duane Hookom



From: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com> <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> on behalf of Jim Wagner luvmymelody@yahoo.com<mailto:luvmymelody@yahoo.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>>
Sent: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 1:43 PM
To: Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals]
Subject: Re: [MS_AccessPros] Filter report with vba

Private Sub cmdEmailAccrualSummaryDirectReport_Click()

Dim db As DAO.Database

Set db = CurrentDb

Dim RS_1, RS_2 As DAO.Recordset

Dim strMsg As String

Dim ReportsToName, EmailAddress, SupervisorEmail, ImmedSup As String
Dim myPath, myFileName As String
Dim strSQL, strSQL1, strSQL2 As String

Dim objol As New Outlook.Application
Dim objmail As MailItem
Set objol = New Outlook.Application
Dim strQueryName As String
Dim strPrevSQL As String
Dim strSQL3 As String

strQueryName = "qryReportASWRT"

DoCmd.SetWarnings False

strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT Nz([Asc/Ast Dir],Nz([Dept Head],'Top Dog')) AS ImmedSup" _
& " FROM SupervisorTable INNER JOIN AccrualsForReport ON SupervisorTable.[Person Id] = AccrualsForReport.Emplid" _
& " WHERE (((SupervisorTable.[Person Id]) Not Like '1208509350'));"

' Open the record set containing all the supervisors
Set RS_1 = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)

' Set the path to the folder which stores all the reports

' For all entries, loop through, generate, store and email the report
Do While Not RS_1.EOF

' This routine is divided into two parts - 1) generate and store the report and 2) email the report
' We generate the report for all supervisors and store them in the designated folder.
' Section 1 - generate and store reports

' Obtain the supervisor's name
ImmedSup = RS_1!ImmedSup 'the Supervisor is being renamed here. It originally is SupervisorName from the value that is in the Supervisor field from the strSQL above in the code, which is a list of all the supervisor name
myFileName = myPath & "Accruals Report - " & ImmedSup & ".pdf" 'the SupervisorName is the value of the Supervisor field from the strSQL above in the code, which is a list of all the supervisors names

' Open the report with the filter and export it as PDF to the designated folder. Close the report.
If Not IsNull(ImmedSup) Then

strSQL2 = "SELECT * FROM qryReportsTo WHERE ImmedSup=""" & ImmedSup & """"

'Change the report recordsource query to filter by ImmedSup

strPrevSQL = fChangeSQL(strQueryName, strSQL)

DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", acViewReport

'DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", acViewReport, , "ImmedSup=" & """" & ImmedSup & """", acNormal

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", myFileName, False, "", 0, acExportQualityPrint

DoCmd.Close acReport, "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo"

End If

' Section 2 - Email reports

' Obtain the email address for the supervisor, set the subject and body accordingly
' Attach the report and send the mail.

If Not IsNull(ImmedSup) Then
Set RS_2 = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL1, dbOpenDynaset)
SupervisorEmail = RS_2![Asu Email Addr]

Set objmail = objol.CreateItem(olMailItem)

With objmail

.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
.To = SupervisorEmail
.Subject = "Accruals Report for " & ImmedSup
.HTMLBody = "Hello. Attached is your Direct Reports Accrual Summary Report. If you have any questions, please contact the Time and Attendance Team." _
& vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
" - Thank You - " 'strMsg
.NoAging = True

.Attachments.Add myFileName

End With
SendKeys "%{s}", True
End If
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

MsgBox "Reports have been emailed to the Direct Reports Employees."

End Sub


Option Compare Database

Function fChangeSQL(pstrQueryName As String, strSQL As String) As String
' basQueryDefs.ChangeSQL
' Purpose : update the SQL property of a saved query
' Copyright: Duane Hookom
' Author : Duane Hookom
' Notes :
' Parameters
' pstrQueryName (String) Name of saved query
' strSQL (String) SQL Statement
' Returns: the previous SQL statement
' Revision History
' 07-09-2001 DKH:
' End Code Header block
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qd As DAO.QueryDef
Set db = CurrentDb
Set qd = db.QueryDefs(pstrQueryName)
fChangeSQL = qd.SQL
qd.SQL = strSQL
Set qd = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Function

Jim Wagner


On ‎Wednesday‎, ‎November‎ ‎8‎, ‎2017‎ ‎12‎:‎22‎:‎16‎ ‎PM, Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> wrote:

Hi Jim,

Can you share your current code for the function as well as your cmdEmailAccrualSummaryDirectReport_Click?



From: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com> <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> on behalf of Jim Wagner luvmymelody@yahoo.com<mailto:luvmymelody@yahoo.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>>
Sent: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 12:25 PM
To: Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals]
Subject: Re: [MS_AccessPros] Filter report with vba


I replaced the module code and I am still getting a ByRef argument type mismatch error. at the strSQL in the below line

strPrevSQL = fChangeSQL(strQueryName, strSQL)

Jim Wagner


On ‎Monday‎, ‎November‎ ‎6‎, ‎2017‎ ‎12‎:‎23‎:‎08‎ ‎PM, Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> wrote:

Hi Jim,

That function is old. I was thinking it was the one at http://www.tek-tips.com/faqs.cfm?fid=7433<https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tek-tips.com%2Ffaqs.cfm%3Ffid%3D7433&data=02%7C01%7Cduanehookom%40hotmail.com%7C9e607fb7da79439d909008d526d60d97%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636457623145302434&sdata=apdDmElSoPY%2B1ACRQmHAVKgQHyxYl6h0DLyMcwVYZWM%3D&reserved=0>.

If you aren't using the function anywhere else in your application, you can replace the function with the one in the link.

How to Change SQL property of saved query (DAO ...<https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tek-tips.com%2Ffaqs.cfm%3Ffid%3D7433&data=02%7C01%7Cduanehookom%40hotmail.com%7C9e607fb7da79439d909008d526d60d97%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636457623145302434&sdata=apdDmElSoPY%2B1ACRQmHAVKgQHyxYl6h0DLyMcwVYZWM%3D&reserved=0>


There are times when the easiest method of creating complex queries with multiple filters is to change the SQL property of a saved query. This works well when you ...


Duane Hookom


From: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com> <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> on behalf of Jim Wagner luvmymelody@yahoo.com<mailto:luvmymelody@yahoo.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>>
Sent: Monday, November 6, 2017 11:29 AM
To: Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals]
Subject: Re: [MS_AccessPros] Filter report with vba


I am now getting a new error on

strPrevSQL = fChangeSQL(strQueryName, strSQL)

the message states the following

Compile error;

ByRef Argument Type mismatch

here is the module code

Function fChangeSQL(pstrQueryName As String, strQueryName As String, strSQL As String) As String
' basQueryDefs.ChangeSQL
' Purpose : update the SQL property of a saved query
' Copyright: Duane Hookom
' Author : Duane Hookom
' Notes :
' Parameters
' pstrQueryName (String) Name of saved query
' strSQL (String) SQL Statement
' Returns: the previous SQL statement
' Revision History
' 07-09-2001 DKH:
' End Code Header block
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qd As DAO.QueryDef
Set db = CurrentDb
Set qd = db.QueryDefs(pstrQueryName)
fChangeSQL = qd.SQL
qd.SQL = strSQL
Set qd = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

End Function

Jim Wagner


On ‎Friday‎, ‎November‎ ‎3‎, ‎2017‎ ‎09‎:‎27‎:‎45‎ ‎PM, Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> wrote:


You are setting the SQL property of a query to select from itself. This is like having [query1] with a SQL statement of "SELECT * FROM [Query1]". It's not possible in Access or possibly other query languages.

1) Create a new query named "qryReportASWRT" that has a sql statement of

"SELECT * FROM qryReportsTo;"

2) Set the Recordsource of rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo to qryReportASWRT.

3) Change

strQueryName = "qryReportsTo"


strQueryName = "qryReportASWRT"

4) Try again




From: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com> <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> on behalf of Jim Wagner luvmymelody@yahoo.com<mailto:luvmymelody@yahoo.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>>
Sent: Friday, November 3, 2017 5:50 PM
To: Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals]
Subject: Re: [MS_AccessPros] Filter report with vba

Here is the sub procedure below. It is crashing on the highlighted strSQL

Private Sub cmdEmailAccrualSummaryDirectReport_Click()

Dim db As DAO.Database

Set db = CurrentDb

Dim RS_1, RS_2 As DAO.Recordset

Dim strMsg As String

Dim ReportsToName, EmailAddress, SupervisorEmail, ImmedSup As String
Dim myPath, myFileName As String
Dim strSQL, strSQL1 As String

Dim objol As New Outlook.Application
Dim objmail As MailItem
Set objol = New Outlook.Application
Dim strQueryName As String
Dim strPrevSQL As String
Dim strSQL3 As String

strQueryName = "qryReportsTo"

DoCmd.SetWarnings False

strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT Nz([Asc/Ast Dir],Nz([Dept Head],'Top Dog')) AS ImmedSup" _
& " FROM SupervisorTable INNER JOIN AccrualsForReport ON SupervisorTable.[Person Id] = AccrualsForReport.Emplid" _
& " WHERE (((SupervisorTable.[Person Id]) Not Like '1208509350'));"

' Open the record set containing all the supervisors
Set RS_1 = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)

' Set the path to the folder which stores all the reports

' For all entries, loop through, generate, store and email the report
Do While Not RS_1.EOF

' This routine is divided into two parts - 1) generate and store the report and 2) email the report
' We generate the report for all supervisors and store them in the designated folder.
' Section 1 - generate and store reports

' Obtain the supervisor's name
ImmedSup = RS_1!ImmedSup 'the Supervisor is being renamed here. It originally is SupervisorName from the value that is in the Supervisor field from the strSQL above in the code, which is a list of all the supervisor name
myFileName = myPath & "Accruals Report - " & ImmedSup & ".pdf" 'the SupervisorName is the value of the Supervisor field from the strSQL above in the code, which is a list of all the supervisors names

' Open the report with the filter and export it as PDF to the designated folder. Close the report.
If Not IsNull(ImmedSup) Then

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM qryReportsTo WHERE ImmedSup=""" & ImmedSup & """"

'Change the report recordsource query to filter by ImmedSup

strPrevSQL = fChangeSQL(strQueryName, strSQL)

DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", acViewReport

'DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", acViewReport, , "ImmedSup=" & """" & ImmedSup & """", acNormal

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", myFileName, False, "", 0, acExportQualityPrint

DoCmd.Close acReport, "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo"

End If

' Section 2 - Email reports

' Obtain the email address for the supervisor, set the subject and body accordingly
' Attach the report and send the mail.

If Not IsNull(ImmedSup) Then
Set RS_2 = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL1, dbOpenDynaset)
SupervisorEmail = RS_2![Asu Email Addr]

Set objmail = objol.CreateItem(olMailItem)

With objmail

.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
.To = SupervisorEmail
.Subject = "Accruals Report for " & ImmedSup
.HTMLBody = "Hello. Attached is your Direct Reports Accrual Summary Report. If you have any questions, please contact the Time and Attendance Team." _
& vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
" - Thank You - " 'strMsg
.NoAging = True

.Attachments.Add myFileName

End With
SendKeys "%{s}", True
End If
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

MsgBox "Reports have been emailed to the Direct Reports Employees."

End Sub

Jim Wagner


On ‎Friday‎, ‎November‎ ‎3‎, ‎2017‎ ‎12‎:‎43‎:‎48‎ ‎PM, Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> wrote:

In the sub

Dim strQueryName as String 'name of the saved query that is your report's record source

strQueryName = "qryReportsTo"

Do While Not RS_1.EOF



From: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com> <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> on behalf of Jim Wagner luvmymelody@yahoo.com<mailto:luvmymelody@yahoo.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>>
Sent: Friday, November 3, 2017 2:29 PM
To: Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals]
Subject: Re: [MS_AccessPros] Filter report with vba


in the function or the sub procedure for the button

Jim Wagner


On ‎Friday‎, ‎November‎ ‎3‎, ‎2017‎ ‎12‎:‎18‎:‎42‎ ‎PM, Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> wrote:

Sorry, there should have been another line to use strQueryName. Place this line anywhere after the Dims.

strQueryName = "qryReportsTo"




From: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com> <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> on behalf of Jim Wagner luvmymelody@yahoo.com<mailto:luvmymelody@yahoo.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>>
Sent: Friday, November 3, 2017 12:48 PM
To: Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals]
Subject: Re: [MS_AccessPros] Filter report with vba

I am getting a compile error

Variable not defined

strPrevSQL = fChangeSQL(qryReportsTo, strSQL)

Jim Wagner


On ‎Thursday‎, ‎November‎ ‎2‎, ‎2017‎ ‎09‎:‎23‎:‎50‎ ‎PM, Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> wrote:



' For all entries, loop through, generate, store and email the report

' this code depends on having the function fChangeSQL() in a standard module in your Access file

Dim strSQL as String

Dim strPrevSQL as String

Dim strQueryName as String 'name of the saved query that is your report's record source

Do While Not RS_1.EOF

' This routine is divided into two parts - 1) generate and store the report and 2) email the report

' We generate the report for all supervisors and store them in the designated folder.


' Section 1 - generate and store reports


' Obtain the supervisor's name

ImmedSup = RS_1!ImmedSup 'the Supervisor is being renamed here. _

It originally is SupervisorName from _

the value that is in the Supervisor _

field from the strSQL above in the code, _

which is a list of all the supervisor name

myFileName = myPath & "Accruals Report - " & ImmedSup & ".pdf"

'the SupervisorName is the value of the Supervisor field _

from the strSQL above in the code, _

which is a list of all the supervisors names

' Open the report with the filter and export it as PDF to the designated folder. Close the report.

If Not IsNull(ImmedSup) Then

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM YourBaseQuery WHERE ImmedSup=""" & ImmedSup & """"

'Change the report recordsource query to filter by ImmedSup

strPrevSQL = fChangeSQL(strQueryName, strSQL)

DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", acViewReport

'DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", acViewReport, , "ImmedSup=" & """" & ImmedSup & """", acNormal

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", myFileName, False, "", 0, acExportQualityPrint

DoCmd.Close acReport, "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo"

End If

Duane Hookom



From: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com> <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> on behalf of Jim Wagner luvmymelody@yahoo.com<mailto:luvmymelody@yahoo.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>>
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2017 5:18 PM
To: Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals]
Subject: Re: [MS_AccessPros] Filter report with vba


thank you. I am not sure how to implement that into my code to open the report with that filter I need

' For all entries, loop through, generate, store and email the report
Do While Not RS_1.EOF

' This routine is divided into two parts - 1) generate and store the report and 2) email the report
' We generate the report for all supervisors and store them in the designated folder.
' Section 1 - generate and store reports

' Obtain the supervisor's name
ImmedSup = RS_1!ImmedSup 'the Supervisor is being renamed here. It originally is SupervisorName from the value that is in the Supervisor field from the strSQL above in the code, which is a list of all the supervisor name
myFileName = myPath & "Accruals Report - " & ImmedSup & ".pdf" 'the SupervisorName is the value of the Supervisor field from the strSQL above in the code, which is a list of all the supervisors names

' Open the report with the filter and export it as PDF to the designated folder. Close the report.
If Not IsNull(ImmedSup) Then
'DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", acViewReport
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", acViewReport, "", "ImmedSup=" & """" & ImmedSup & """", acNormal
'DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", acViewReport, , "ImmedSup=" & """" & ImmedSup & """", acNormal

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", myFileName, False, "", 0, acExportQualityPrint
DoCmd.Close acReport, "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo"
End If

Jim Wagner


On ‎Thursday‎, ‎November‎ ‎2‎, ‎2017‎ ‎02‎:‎24‎:‎47‎ ‎PM, Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> wrote:


I actually prefer to change the SQL of the query that is the report's record source. I use a little DAO code as described on this Tek-Tips FAQ http://www.tek-tips.com/faqs.cfm?fid=7433<https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tek-tips.com%2Ffaqs.cfm%3Ffid%3D7433&data=02%7C01%7Cduanehookom%40hotmail.com%7Cbc478f45bf8f40548a7408d5223f9ecc%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636452579034775506&sdata=GyAHF9tV6TPo5ComXOQ%2F8X0gd8l%2FVeHYWWlmBzW5NWE%3D&reserved=0>


How to Change SQL property of saved query (DAO ...<https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tek-tips.com%2Ffaqs.cfm%3Ffid%3D7433&data=02%7C01%7Cduanehookom%40hotmail.com%7Cbc478f45bf8f40548a7408d5223f9ecc%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636452579034775506&sdata=GyAHF9tV6TPo5ComXOQ%2F8X0gd8l%2FVeHYWWlmBzW5NWE%3D&reserved=0>


There are times when the easiest method of creating complex queries with multiple filters is to change the SQL property of a saved query. This works well when you ...


From: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com> <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> on behalf of Jim Wagner luvmymelody@yahoo.com<mailto:luvmymelody@yahoo.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>>
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2017 1:26 PM
To: Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals]
Subject: Re: [MS_AccessPros] Filter report with vba


the report still wants to do all of the employees. I only selected 2 employees and it emailed all of them.

Jim Wagner


On ‎Thursday‎, ‎November‎ ‎2‎, ‎2017‎ ‎11‎:‎20‎:‎01‎ ‎AM, Duane Hookom duanehookom@hotmail.com<mailto:duanehookom@hotmail.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> wrote:


What happens if you get rid of the first

DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", acViewReport


Duane Hookom



From: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com> <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>> on behalf of luvmymelody@yahoo.com<mailto:luvmymelody@yahoo.com> [MS_Access_Professionals] <MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>>
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2017 1:14 PM
To: MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com<mailto:MS_Access_Professionals@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [MS_AccessPros] Filter report with vba

Hello all,

I am trying to filter a report in VBA. The user wants to limit the records being emailed out for an Accruals report. The user wants to select the employees in a table. Then the report is to be emailed to the supervisors. So I have the following code to open the report. The user will open the table and click a Yes/No check box and then I need the report to use the SelectEmployee field to be used to exclude employees with the check box selected. I have tried to add the filter on the docmd.openreport line but it never filters the report.

Thank You for any help.

Jim Wagner

ImmedSup = RS_1!ImmedSup 'the Supervisor is being renamed here. It originally is SupervisorName from the value that is in the Supervisor field from the strSQL above in the code, which is a list of all the supervisor name
myFileName = myPath & "Accruals Report - " & ImmedSup & ".pdf" 'the SupervisorName is the value of the Supervisor field from the strSQL above in the code, which is a list of all the supervisors names

' Open the report with the filter and export it as PDF to the designated folder. Close the report.
If Not IsNull(ImmedSup) Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", acViewReport
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", acViewReport, "", "ImmedSup=" & """" & ImmedSup & """", acNormal

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", myFileName, False, "", 0, acExportQualityPrint
DoCmd.Close acReport, "rptAccrualSummaryWithReportsTo"
End If

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Posted by: Duane Hookom <duanehookom@hotmail.com>
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