Rabu, 23 September 2015

[MS_AccessPros] Help with query - not sure if it can be done


I have three tables with a common field define in table one (ID), the second table list all the billings for the individual defined by ID.  Each billing has a unique id (Billing_ID).  The third table identifies all payments the ID individual has made.  The payments have a unique id (paid_ID) which is associated to a particular billing and the date of the payment.  My issue is trying to develop a query that will display each individual records such as :  (sort will be by ID, billing_id, Ascending date_of_payment)
1st record
ID      billing_id billing_amount  payment_id payment_amount date_of_payment
2nd record

ID      billing_id                          payment_id payment_amount date_of_payment

so on

That is for a billing_id the billing_amount is only listed for the earliest date.  Each new ID and billing_id will display as shown.

I know this may not be very clear.  The query records will be used in a report form and also be allowed to export to EXCEL.

Any suggestions on the approach would be a great help.

      ACCESS 2010 on WIndows 10 and Windows 7.



Posted by: desertscroller@cox.net
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