Minggu, 19 Oktober 2014

[MS_AccessPros] Removing Duplicate entries


I have a table with a few duplicate entries.

The Microsoft forum page says:

""" Make sure that your table has an autonumber field and it is set as the primary key. I'll call it TempID. """

My table has 'FieldID' as an autonumber field and is the primary key.

The page says:

DELETE <yourtable>.* FROM <yourtable> WHERE TempID IN(SELECT MIN(TempID) AS MinOfTempID FROM <yourtable> Group By [Name] Having Count(TempID) > 1)

I have edited to this:

DELETE <students>.* FROM <students> WHERE FieldD IN(SELECT MIN(FieldID) AS MinOfFieldID FROM <students> Group By [fieldid] Having Count(fieldID) > 1)

and I still get an error.  (The marker appears at the second <students> above.)

What Have I missed?

Many thanks,

Robin Chapple


Posted by: Robin Chapple <robinski@westnet.com.au>
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