Senin, 07 Mei 2012

RE: [AccessDevelopers] Emailing From Access


I always used CDO to email back in Access 97/2000/2003.  Here's the code I used to use with the Microsoft CDO For Exchange 2000 library:
Sub testCDOMail()
    Dim success As Boolean
    Dim strSendTo As String
    strSendTo = ""
    success = SendCDOMail(strSendTo, "Test CDO Mail", "just testing", "", False)
    MsgBox "Success = " & success
End Sub
Public Function SendCDOMail(strTo As String, strSubject As String, strBody As String, strAttach As String, blnHTML As Boolean) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Failure
        Dim objMessage As CDO.Message
        Dim objConfig As CDO.Configuration
        Dim objFields As Variant
        Const cboSendUsingPort As Integer = 2
        Set objConfig = New CDO.Configuration
        Set objMessage = New CDO.Message
        Set objFields = objConfig.Fields
        With objFields
            .Item("") = cdoSendUsingPort
            .Item("") = ""  '<-- valid SMTP server IP or hostname
            .Item("") = 5
            .Item("") = 25
            .Item("") = 1
            .Item("") = "valid_username"
            .Item("") = "valid_password"  '<--this is in plain text so maybe set up special limited account for this purpose
        End With
        With objMessage
            Set .Configuration = objConfig
            .To = strTo
            .From = ""
            .subject = strSubject
            If blnHTML = True Then
                .HTMLBody = strBody
                .TextBody = strBody
            End If
            If strAttach <> "" Then .AddAttachment (strAttach)
        End With
       Set objMessage = Nothing
       Set objFields = Nothing
       Set objConfig = Nothing
      SendCDOMail = True
    Exit Function
    SendCDOMail = False
    MsgBox Err & " " & Err.Description
End Function
But if you are on Outlook 2010, it looks like that probably doesn't work anymore:
Maybe you can figure out how to use the Outlook 2010 object model:
Or there's always Outlook Redemption:
Hope that helps,
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Jay
Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2012 2:51 PM
Subject: [AccessDevelopers] Emailing From Access


I am using MS Access 2007. I have a database with email addresses in clients records. I also have Outlook 2010. When I try and create an email it says I need Outlook 2007.

Is there another way to send emails?


Jay Beckham
Cruises On The Sea.

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