Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

Re: [MS_AccessPros] Open form using combo box and command button


Hi Kat,

if you are being prompted for a vendor, then your form is probably based on a parameter query. Edit the criteria in the query fr the field to -->


formname is the name of your form
controlname is the name of the control (ie: your combobox)

if your names have spaces or special characters, surround them with brackets


you can also use the WHERE parameter of OpenForm to limit records ...

Warm Regards,

(: have an awesome day :)

--- On Fri, 5/27/11, ka0t1c_ang3l wrote:

> Hello all!
> I have a search form with several combo boxes and command
> buttons.  When I click on the combo box and select a
> name I want to then click on the command button which will
> open up my form based on the selection made in my combo
> box.  Currently, what is happening after I select a
> name in the combo box and hit the button is another box pops
> up asking me to enter the vendor name again.  How do I
> get rid of that and have the command button take me directly
> to that form to bring up the information selected for the
> vendor?  Any help is appreciated it!
> Thanks!
> Kat

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