Senin, 26 Oktober 2015

Re: [MS_AccessPros] Screen Tip


Hi Sarah,

does the database have any VBA code?

'~~~~~~~~~ Compile ~~~~~~~~~
Whenever you change code, references, or switch versions or operating environment, or modify objects with code behind them, you should always compile and save before executing.
from the menu in a VBE (module) window: Debug, Compile
(Alt-F11 to switch to the code window)
Fix any errors on the yellow highlighted lines.
Add needed references and remove missing references if necessary
(Tools, References...)

keep compiling until nothing happens (this is good!) -- then Save

~~~~~ also be sure to use Option Explicit at the top of each module so variables that are not declared or are misspelled will be picked up

Option Explicit  ' require variable declaration

If this was not done when the code was written, you will probably need to DIM some variables -- best to do that anyway

warm regards,

Have a suggestion to improve Access?

~ have an awesome day ~

On 10/26/2015 11:47 AM, [MS_Access_Professionals] wrote:

Not sure I understand: I am working on an uncompiled database.


---In, <strive4peace2008@...> wrote :

didn't realize this was a command button ... caption should not be showing up for screen tip.

'~~~~~~~~~ Decompile ~~~~~~~~~

if you have odd behavior, backup your database and then decompile it

make an make a "generic" decompile icon where the next database you open will be decompiled... use this as the target:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSACCESS.EXE" /decompile

if your Access program is not located in the directory specified, make the appropriate substitution

the next database you open will be decompiled... you can verify this by going to the design view of any module -- Compile will not be gray, it will be available

then, compile the database
then, do compact/repair
'~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

to make a Decompile icon:

Open Windows Explorer
(right-click on [Start], choose 'Explore'

scroll to the top of the left pane

right-click on Drive C:
choose --> Search

look for -->

once you see where the program is located, navigate to MSACCESS.EXE using Windows Explorer

then right-click on MSACCESS.EXE and choose -->
SendTo > Desktop (create shortcut)

then, right-click on the desktop icon you just made and choose --> Properties

1. click on the 'Change Icon' command button -- so it doesn't look like a regular Access icon (I use the 2 inerlocking circles one screen to the right on the top row)

2. click in the Target textbox
press the [End] key to move to the end of the line
then, add this to the end of the target -->

warm regards,

free Analyzer for Microsoft Access on CodePlex
Document Access databases.  Reports to show list of tables, data dictionary, form and control properties, and more.

~ have an awesome day ~

On 10/22/2015 11:45 AM, sarahk@... [MS_Access_Professionals] wrote:

If i try to remove the caption, I get a message 'The command name can't be blank'. I am using Access 2003.

---In, <strive4peace2008@...> wrote :

Maybe captions are over-riding the screen tip.  Delete the captions -- shouldn't use them anyway ~

warm regards,

On 10/22/2015 9:42 AM, 'Bill Mosca' wrmosca@... [MS_Access_Professionals] wrote:



I'm stumped. The tips should show up. Can you test on another computer? Have you tried rebooting the computer to clear the memory?





From: []
Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: [MS_AccessPros] Screen Tip




Crystal: does not show up at all.

Bill: If I remove the Screen Tip,  it automatically defaults to the Caption. Even if I turn show screen tips off, it still defaults to the caption. 



Did compact and repair, but still does not work.



---In, <strive4peace2008@...> wrote :

I've also found that you sometimes have to be patient ... they sometimes take awhile to popup ~

On 10/20/2015 6:21 PM, 'Bill Mosca' wrmosca@... [MS_Access_Professionals] wrote:



As long as you have some text in the screen tip field it should show. Try tricking Access and remove the tips (I'd copy them to a text file and save it for pasting back). Then compact the DB and add a couple tips to see if they start working.





From: []
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 10:42 AM
Subject: [MS_AccessPros] Screen Tip



I customized my menu and entered text in the Screen Tip field. I thought this text would show when the mouse hovers above that option, but it does not show anything. The only Screen Tips that are showing are where 'Begin a Group" is checked and "On Action" is empty or perhaps because those are in Main Menu and the ones that are not displaying the Screen Tip are Custom Pop Ups.

I checked the options and 'Show ScreenTips on Toolbars' is clicked.

What am I doing wrong?

As always all help is greatly appreciated.





Posted by: crystal 8 <>
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