Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2015

Re: [MS_AccessPros] Limit combo box in continuous form


Hi Kevin,

changing combobox SQL when entering data:  use GotFocus, LostFocus event to set combo RowSource
limit the combobox to specific records when it gets the focus, show all records when you leave it
on the GotFocus event of the combobox, put this in the [EventProcedure] code:

   SetRowSource true

on the LostFocus event of the combobox, put this in the [EventProcedure] code:

   SetRowSource false

put this code behind the form/subform with the combobox -- and compile it before testing
private function SetRowSource( _
  pBooCriteria as boolean)
'Crystal, strive4peace
 on error goto Err_proc
 dim strSQL as string
 strSQL = "SELECT SomeID, SomeName" _
    & " FROM Tablename"
 if pBooCriteria then
    if not IsNull(me.controlname1) then
      strSQL = strSQL _
        & " WHERE fieldname = " & me.controlname1
    end if
 end if
 strSQL = strSQL & "ORDER BY SomeName;"
 debug.print strSQL
 with me.controlname2
   .RowSource = strSQL
 end with

 exit function
   msgbox err.description,, _
     "ERROR " & err.number & "   SetRowSource"
   'press F8 to step through code and fix problem
   'comment next line after debugged
   Stop: Resume
   resume Exit_proc
End function

- controlname1 is the name of the first combo
- SomeID and SomeName are fieldnames for the RowSource
- Tablename is the table name to get the data from
- controlname2 is the NAME property of the control you are setting the RowSource for
** debug.print ***
debug.print strSQL
--> this prints a copy of the SQL statement to the debug window (CTRL-G)
After you execute your code, open the Debug window
CTRL-G to Goto the debuG window -- look at the SQL statement
If the SQL statement has an error
1. Make a new query (design view)
2. choose View, SQL from the menu
(or SQL from the toolbar, first icon)
3. cut the SQL statement from the debug window
(select, CTRL-X)
4. paste into the SQL window of the Query
5. run !  from the SQL window
-- Access will tell you where the problem is in the SQL
the debug window, also called the immediate window, is another good resource.  When you are executing code, you can query the value of any variable, field, control, ...
? pSQL
and then press ENTER
You can also use the debug window to get help on a topic -- type or paste a keyword into the window and press F1

warm regards,

Popup Calendar for Access

~ have an awesome day ~

On 10/24/2015 5:35 PM, zhaoliqingoffice [MS_Access_Professionals] wrote:
Thanks a lot for your quick reply. Would please give an example on the GotFocus and  LostFocus event to limit the chose and re-show all choice?  Thank you so much again.
Best Regards,

在 "crystal 8 [MS_Access_Professionals]" <>,2015年10月25日 上午7:19写道:

Hi Kevin,

do not see your previous message, perhaps it did not go through.  Be sure it is included before you click send.  If using an interface that does not include the previous message, you will have to click on a link to do so -- thanks.

please realize that a combo box is the SAME on all records.  So if you want to limit choices for information on a current record, I find it best to use the GotFocus event to set the RowSource limiting choices and then the LostFocus event to show all choices again.  Realize that while you are picking, information in other records for the combo may be blank because of the criteria.

warm regards,

~ have an awesome day ~

On 10/24/2015 5:05 PM, zhaoliqingoffice [MS_Access_Professionals] wrote:

Dear All,
I posted this topic yesterday, haven't gotten feedback yet. Maybe the question wasn't too clear, so I rewrite it here. I want a combo box in a continuous form to be limited by another field in the current record (record with focus in continuous form). Can this be done? Thanks.
Best Regards,


Posted by: crystal 8 <>
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