Kamis, 14 Desember 2023

[MSAccessProfessionals] Something strange - a hidden macro?!

I'm working in Access 2016/365.
In an older (.mdb) database we're converting to newer versions, I found an object that exists in the database, but that is both invisible to the UI, and also Un-openable in any macro editor UI.
This Hidden Macro CAN be run (select the [Run Macro] Ribbon UI icon and overtype the macro name with the name of this hidden macro - and it indeed tries to run - but it errors out due to a bad pathname for some import step...and hence the need to edit and fix it.)
The macro is named with a leading ~ (tilde) character like the "hidden" queries embedded in forms/reports/control properties. So, Macro name is like: ~TmpEPSMacro   -  (in homage to those wonderful EPS reports from OfficeSpace)
I can only find it in the MSysObjects table data - but can't even force a name change through that (read-only data table).
An thoughts/suggestions as to how to deal with this...wonderful...ly....challenging macro!?

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