Senin, 30 April 2012

[MS_AccessPros] Auto fill on form question


Hello all,

We have a form that when the user populates the Employee Id the information auto fills the rest of the form controls. But we would like to add a little more functionality to the form.

What we are trying to do would be to bring up a message box or high light a control if the employee id already exists in another table.
We have a table that tracks certain information and we want the users to know that the id matches the id that they just entered. How could we accomplish this.

Currently there is a macro which I am trying to override with the vba but my code is not working. The code is below.

Private Sub Person_Id_AfterUpdate()

If [Forms]![Employees].[Person Id] = [ActiveInSuppressTable].[SUPPersonId] Then
MsgBox "Record is currently in the Active SUPPress table"
End If

End Sub

Thank You Very much for any help

Jim Wagner

The field on the form that they populate is

Person Id

The field in the other table is named




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