Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

[MS_AccessPros] Filter form box slow


Hi all!

I have a form Listings with a combo box HomeInfoID. When I type in the box it usually pauses after two or three characters which is frustrating because you're typing away and most of the typing is for naught and then you need to wait to be able to type the rest. Any input is really appreciate as it's bugging my users (myself included :-(.

The code behind the box has BeforeUpdate, AfterUpdate and NotInList events. Control Source is HomeInfoID. The Row Source is :
SELECT HomeInfo.HomeInfoID, [StreetComb] & " " & ", " & [City] AS AddressCity, HomeInfo.ParcelNbr
FROM HomeInfo
ORDER BY [StreetComb] & " " & ", " & [City];

StreetComb is indexed.

I don't think the following affects the results but just in case:
There are three comboboxes with HomeInfoID as their control source. The user needs to enter either the address, parcel number or homeid. There is always a homeid but that is impractical for entry. The address is the best way to enter but there is not always an address. Parcel number is the second most practical way to enter but there is not always a parcel number.


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