Selasa, 24 April 2012

Re: [MS_AccessPros] recordset index and seek ???


Hi Hussein,
one way would be to use Form Filter

put unbound comboboxes/textboxes in your form header. Then, to trigger the code, put this in the [Event Procedure] code of the AfterUpdate event of each filter control:


this is a generic version of the code that would go behind your form:
Private Function SetFormFilter()
   dim varFilter as variant
   varFilter = Null
   If not IsNull(me.controlname_for_text) Then
      varFilter = (varFilter + " AND ") _
         & "[TextFieldname]= '" & me.controlname_for_text  & "'"
   end if
   If not IsNull(me.controlname_for_date  ) Then
      varFilter = (varFilter + " AND ") _
         & "[DateFieldname]= #" & me.controlname_for_date  & "#"
   end if
   If not IsNull(me.controlname_for_number ) Then
      varFilter = (varFilter + " AND ") _
         & "[NumericFieldname]= " & me.controlname_for_number
   end if
   With Me
       If Not IsNull(varFilter )  Then
          .Filter = varFilter
          .FilterOn = true
          .FilterOn = false
      End if
      ' .Requery
   End With
End Function

me.controlname_for_number, controlname_for_date, and controlname_for_text refer to the NAME property of a control on the form you are behind
(Me. represents the form -- kinda like "me" for me is not "me" for you )

delimiters are used for data that is not a number
quote marks ' or " for text
number signs # for dates

varFilter is a variant that will hold the string you are building for each condition -- but if nothing is specified in the filter control (IsNull), then that addition to the filter string is skipped.

(varFilter + " AND ")

If something is already in the filter, the word AND will be added.  The beauty of using the + operator is that nothing + something = nothing ... so if nothing is there then nothing is added before the new criteria
finally, when the filter string is done, it is applied to your form if it has something in it.  If not, then all the records will be displayed
That means that as you flip through records, only records matching that filter will show
if you are wanting to filter a subform, instead of using
With Me
you would use -->
   With Me.subform_controlname.form

.subform_controlname is the Name property of the subform control

if the form to get criteria from is is subforms of the same main form, use -->

   With me.parent.subform_controlname.form


another thing you can do is use the criteria to FIND a record instead of filtering them.

this code goes behind the form:
Private Function FindRecord()
   'if nothing is picked in the active control, exit
   If IsNull(Me.ActiveControl) Then Exit Function
   'save current record if changes were made
   If me.dirty then me.dirty = false
   'declare a variable to hold the primary key value to look up
   Dim nRecordID As Long
   'set value to look up by what is selected
   nRecordID = Me.ActiveControl
   'clear the choice to find
   Me.ActiveControl = Null
   With Me
      'find the first value that matches
      .RecordsetClone.FindFirst "SomeID = " & nRecordID
     'if a matching record was found, then move to it
      If Not .RecordsetClone.NoMatch Then
         .Bookmark = .RecordsetClone.Bookmark
      End If
   End With
End Function
- SomeID is the Name of the primary key field, which is in the RecordSource of the form -- assuming your primary key is a Long Integer data type (autonumbers are long integers)
Remember that the Rowsource for a combo can come from anywhere -- it can pull from multiple tables or only use one ... just make sure that the first column is the primary key ID of the table you want to search (and that field is part of the RecordSource for the form you are searching).

For instance, if your main form is People, you could have a combo to find a person using their phone number by linking to the Phones table (assuming your data is normalized) and putting the PeopleID in the first column (hidden) and the Phone in the column that displays.  In this case, I use a procedure to strip non-numeric characters so the user does not have to type parentheses or dashes since I store phone numbers with symbols.  The width of this column is set tiny so it is greater than zero, but is small enough so the user does not see it -- and this is the second column.  The user actually sees the third column -- the one with the mask symbols.
If you are searching the recordset on another form, change the FindRecord name to be specific (like FindRecord_Order) and, substitute
With Me --> With forms!formname
If the record you are looking for is on a subform, change the FindRecord name to be specific (like FindRecord_Whatever) and, substitute:

With Me --> with Me.subform_controlname.form

Warm Regards,

Microsoft MVP, Access
remote training and programming

* (:  have an awesome day :) *

From: husseinkadhum

I need to search for two fields criteria such as I am searching for a person who's  account is 6655 and date is 4/13/2012 , how can use  recordset and seek method for this issue ? anyone can solve this please ?


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