Senin, 19 September 2011

[MS_AccessPros] Error referring to a field that I cannot find in the form


Good morning!

I have a button "Sell" on the "Listings" form. It is supposed to open a form "Sales". When I press it, I get the error: Error 3314 "You must enter a value in Listings.HomeInfoID field". When I debug, the line "Forms!Sales.Dirty = False" is highlighted. (I have **** in front of that line) So I'm understanding that to mean that when the Sales form is saved, it has a field Listings.HomeInfoID that is required.

Have looked high and low for that field--the form and subforms. Looked in the dropdown list of Properties sheet for it. Also did a find in the code for Listings form and Sales form. Have also decompiled and repaired.

What am I missing? Code for the button and sql for Sales form is below.

Private Sub btnSell_Click()

'set up Error Handler
On Error GoTo Proc_Err

Dim db As DAO.Database, rstI As DAO.Recordset, rstO As DAO.Recordset, rstB As DAO.Recordset, rstS As DAO.Recordset
Dim lngSalesID As Long

'If new record
If Me.NewRecord Then
'Message box giving directions
Msgbox "To mark a listing as Sold, go to that record THEN press Sold button."
Exit Sub
End If

'Must be a current listing to sell
If CurrentListing = 0 Then
Msgbox "This is not a current listing. Only current listings can be sold"
Exit Sub
End If

'Save changes to current record
If Me.Dirty Then
RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
End If

'Message box asking if really want it sold
Dim msg, Style, Title, Response As String
msg = "Are you sure you want to move this listing to SOLD status?" & _
vbCrLf & "The minute you click yes, it is moved to sold status "
Style = vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2
Title = "Move Listing to Sold Status?"
Response = Msgbox(msg, Style, Title)
If Response = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If

'Transfer related Pending info to Sales table, deleting pending info and opening Sales form
' Point to this database
Set db = CurrentDb
' Open the related pending record
Set rstI = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM Pending " & _
"WHERE ListID = " & Me.ListID)
' If no related Pending table start new Sales record using Sales form
If rstI.EOF Then
'Open Sales form to enter info
DoCmd.OpenForm "Sales"
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
Forms!Sales.ListID.Value = Me.ListID.Value
'Set CurrentListing in Listing form to No
Forms!Listings!CurrentListing.Value = 0
*****Forms!Sales.Dirty = False
Set rstI = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
' Since a pending record, Open the Sales table to insert
Set rstO = db.OpenRecordset("Sales", dbOpenDynaset, dbAppendOnly)
' Start a new record
' Copy the data
rstO!ListID = rstI!ListID
rstO!PendingDate = rstI!PendingDate
rstO!SoldPrice = rstI!SoldPrice
rstO!BuyerAgencyID = rstI!BuyingAgencyID
' Save the IDs of the new record
lngSalesID = rstO!SalesID
lngPendingID = rstI!PendingID
' Save the record

'Set CurrentListing in Listing form to No
Forms!Listings!CurrentListing.Value = 0

'Open PendingBuyers table to copy data to SalesBuyers
Set rstB = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM PendingBuyers " & _
"WHERE PendingID = " & lngPendingID)
' Open the SalesBuyers table to insert from PendingBuyer
Set rstS = db.OpenRecordset("SalesBuyers", dbOpenDynaset, dbAppendOnly)
'Loop through the matching records until reach end of records
Do While Not rstB.EOF
' Start a new record
' Copy the data
rstS!SaleID = lngSalesID
rstS!ContactID = rstB!ContactID
rstS!Ordr = rstB!Ordr
'Save the record
'Move to next record in PendingBuyer
If Not rstB.EOF Then
End If

' Delete the Pending record--this deletes the Pending buyers too

' Open sales on the new record
DoCmd.OpenForm "Sales"
DoCmd.GoToControl "SalesID"
DoCmd.FindRecord lngSalesID

' Clean up
Set rstB = Nothing
Set rstS = Nothing
Set rstI = Nothing
Set rstO = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

Exit Sub ' or Exit Function

Msgbox Err.Description, , _
"ERROR " & Err.Number _
& " btnSell_Click"

Resume Proc_Exit

'if you want to single-step code to find error, CTRL-Break at MsgBox
'then set this to be the next statement by right-clicking on Resume Statement, then press F8 to execute one line at a time

End Sub

SQL for Sales form:
SELECT Sales.*, Listings.CurrentListing
FROM Listings INNER JOIN Sales ON Listings.ListID = Sales.ListID;

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